The Pest: Campus road upkeep s(t)inks
By The Pest staff writer | Mar. 20Potholes dot campus roads and they pose risks for safety and car upkeep.
Potholes dot campus roads and they pose risks for safety and car upkeep.
As I have gone about my first couple weeks back on campus for the new semester, it would seem nearly everyone left their manners in 2023. Here are my biggest pet peeves on campus and how you can avoid becoming one of them.
While they are rewarding, trios can be difficult.
The story of possibly killing Dianne Feinstein. These other politicians better sleep with one eye open.
Not discounting small businesses, aka dealers, but dispensaries are a far more reliable and safe option when buying cannabis.
The Pest is fed up with everything after becoming a sentient being.
Is it really that hard to be nice?
Rufus is becoming the most jacked mascot out there.
The diary entries have started again. Rufus is beginning 2023 with a vengeance.
This is not for those who actually like all of their family members.