Rob Harvilla to present at Music Industry Summit
By Gina Napoli | Mar. 7The OU alum is a professional rock critic and podcast host for The Ringer.
The OU alum is a professional rock critic and podcast host for The Ringer.
This year, the annual celebration will fall on March 5 and mark over seven decades of tradition.
Ohio University provides students with plentiful resources as they begin to apply for internships. From Sept. to Oct., OU held Career Fairs and Events to connect students with potential employers.
Brittany Broski was a hit Thursday night to a sold-out crowd at Templeton-Blackburn Alumni Memorial Auditorium.
Athens’ local game store has several retro game options for locals, students and families to explore.
@backcountrysquatters_ohio hosted its first meeting Feb 20. The national organization and OU chapter strive to eliminate gender stereotypes in the outdoor environment and create a welcoming atmosphere for female and gender-fluid students.
Bobcat Blasters decorated the campus with styrofoam bullets this past weekend in a Nerf gun war.
OU’s All 9 Lives organization and Crochet Club plan to take action and eliminate the stray cat population in Athens.
Neal Mohr, @mucho_funky, knows how to throw an entertaining party. Making consistent appearances at The Side Bar, Casa Nueva and The Union, Mohr is not only busy but dedicated to his craft.
Student initiatives and local communities provide safe spaces for trans students as anti-trans legislation takes effect across the country.
From outlaws to wranglers, cowboy-themed rock climbers gathered at Ping Recreation Center for the spring semester climbing competition.
Industry professionals Rebecca Eichenberger, James Beaman and Kelsey Stalter join Tantrum Theater’s “The Prom.”
For OU’s 221st birthday, Alden Library put on a Founder’s Day spring student showcase in which students presented various physical and digital exhibits relating to OU’s history.
Morgan’s Message is a national organization founded after Morgan Rodgers, an athlete at Duke Uniersity, died by suicide in 2019. The organization has thousands of chapters around the world, including one at Ohio University.
Former Athena Grand regulars reflect on the Athena Grand and guess what is next for the local movie market.