Bent on Boys: Women search for storybook endings
May 4, 2011Note: This is part two of a two-part series on college stereotypes. Part one featuring male college stereotypes is available to read online at The Post’s website.
Note: This is part two of a two-part series on college stereotypes. Part one featuring male college stereotypes is available to read online at The Post’s website.
(Pictures can be viewed at
With the rise of music websites such as Datpiff and 2DopeBoyz, it is a lot easier for aspiring rappers to release their music to the public.
Athens voters have a choice today, and I’m not talking about the Athens City Council candidates. I am referring to Issue 1, which deals with the renewal of the Athens City Schools’ tax levy.
For a moment, transport yourself to the eastern part of the Congo, specifically to Kivu. The area surrounding you is picturesque, filled with diverse people and rich in mineral resources.
Last Tuesday, Ron Paul announced he has formed an exploratory committee to decide whether or not to run for president. Now I have a reason to sit through the painfully laborious Republican debates. The only event that rivals the levels of irrelevance and philosophical vacuity is, of course, the Democratic debates.
Note: This is part one of a two-part series on college stereotypes. Next week’s column will feature female stereotypes.
A shout-out to the good people at the Athens Bike Co-op for assisting me with their bicycle pedal-gogy, er, I mean, pedagogy and for swapping some parts (
So I’ve talked about local issues, local history, local events. But imagine coming to Ohio University and not knowing anything about local issues, not because you’re new to Athens, but because you’re new to the United States. I am referring to international students.
I think – or at least I hope – that I am not the only one who is frequently repulsed by the excess of cigarette butts that exists on Ohio University’s campus.
Every week it seems I hear about some event demanding a greater investment toward green energy, be it government subsidization of green technology or demanding the university adopt more green technology.
The Black Student Cultural Programming Board and University Programming Council hosted the Bite of Nite event yesterday afternoon at the old Howard Hall site.
(Pictures of animals, gravestones, and metal works can be viewed at
Friend (n.) one attached to another by genuine and non-romantic affection.
With the passage of High Fest, an activity for which Ohio University has always been famous — or at times, infamous — is receiving more attention than usual: drinking and partying.
Now for something that doesn’t get very much media coverage but still deserves the spotlight: the arts.
For all the hoopla about President Obama and Senator Paul Ryan’s budget proposals, the debate ignores two essential facts: Tax increases cannot save us, and spending reform is crucial.
I have been a dinosaur lover since birth.
For much of the last few months, the apartments just around the corner from my own on Milliron Street were having a new patio installed.