Faculty Senate: Resolution passed on graduate course retakes
By Abby Miller | Apr. 8, 2019Students will no longer be allowed to retake non-repeatable courses unless they fail.
Students will no longer be allowed to retake non-repeatable courses unless they fail.
Only students with meal plans have been denied from the program.
The four finalists will have open forums for students, staff and faculty members.
George talks with Ohio University Student Senate President-elect Lydia Ramlo.
Student Senate does not believe the changes to Title IX will benefit students at OU or other universities.
Only one course attempt would count towards a graduate student’s GPA.
The skate park next to the courts will not be affected.
Bill Willan has been at Ohio University for 20 years.
Student Senate representatives were told by the university in March their project could not be fully supported due to concerns for enrollment numbers.
The student was arrested for underage consumption, and the owners of the dog were asked to keep him on the property.
The appeals board was created in February after a Graduate Student Senate presidential candidate submitted an appeal.
A larger voting turnout leaves the new executives happy to represent the student body.
The bill would support to support sexual assault survivors and campus prevention resources.
There have been 10 reports of sexual assault to the Ohio University Police Department and the Athens Police Department since Jan. 13.
The election results were appealed and an appeal board was formed in February.
Campus Pride, a national LGBTQ organization, is examining the ranking after the former OU LGBT Center director was removed.
The student trustee will be announced at the Leadership Gala on April 17.
Students will vote on Tuesday via email.
The four finalists for the dean of the Arts and Sciences were announced March 29.
Nonessential lights across campus were turned off Saturday to promote environmental awareness.