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Rachel Lindsay made a tough decision during the week of hometowns. (provided via The Bachelorette's Instagram)

TV Review: ‘Bachelorette’ Rachel Lindsay tells one man she’s falling in love with him — then sends him packing

Meeting a significant other’s family can be difficult, but meeting four families of four different boyfriends on national television sounds like a complete nightmare. Rachel Lindsay met all of her suitors’ families in Tuesday's episode of The Bachelorette, and there was drama as usual. Here's how the hometown visits went:

Rachel and Eric

Eric was the first person Rachel met up with. He grew up in Baltimore, which he said wasn't easy. Some of his friends got into dealing drugs while in high school, and he always tried to help them out of tough situations.

“I was always the friend who took care of everyone,” Eric said, though his graciousness was never reciprocated.

Rachel met one of Eric’s friends at a basketball court after shooting some hoops. The friend said Eric was studious, always positive and inspiring to people.

Shortly after, they arrived at his house to a full house of what seemed to be 10 more Erics. It’s easy to see where he gets his energy from.

“Eric is always fun,” Rachel said. “He is truly the person that always seizes the day.”

Rachel told his family that she appreciated the fact he challenges her. Eric said he thinks she is the one. Rachel expressed her reservations, worrying he doesn’t really know what love is. Rachel’s worries seem justified. Eric doesn’t have much experience when it comes to relationships, but no one can deny that he is a good person.

Rachel and Bryan

Rachel saw many similarities between Miami and Bryan. “(Miami is) hot, steamy. There is something sexy about it. Sometimes it speaks Spanish to you,” she said. All characteristics of the charming, charismatic man that took Rachel on her second hometown this season.

The two kicked off the day playing dominoes in a park. Rachel loved hanging out with Bryan, and he loved seeing her smile.

“As long as I see that smile, I’ll be happy,” he said. “I’m kinda obsessed to see you smile.”

Then the two went meet his family. Bryan’s last serious relationship ended in heartbreak because his mom and girlfriend did not get along. That was weighing heavy on Rachel’s mind going into the hometown meeting.

Bryan’s mom expressed her doubts of the show’s process and didn’t think he could really be in love with someone after weeks of knowing each other. She told Rachel that, but Rachel did everything to reassure her.

His mom’s response: “If he’s happy, I’m happy. If not, I will kill you.” Whoa, that got intense really fast.

Bryan concluded the night by telling Rachel he is in love with her — the only guy to come right out and say it during the episode.

“Yes, my head is spinning,” Rachel said. “I’m in a bit of a whirlwind right now.”

Rachel and Peter

Peter showed Rachel around his hometown of Madison, Wisconsin. They ended up at a bar so his friend could meet her. He said he wanted “outside perspective” on their relationship because he is falling for her. Peter is logical, and Rachel can see that.

“I see him guarding his heart,” she said. “My hope is that being in his hometown will break those walls down.”

All of his friends liked her, which brought Peter some peace of mind. But the thought he could possibly be getting down on one knee in three weeks scared him.

Rachel told his mom that she wanted to be engaged at the end of this, so she asked if she could see Peter proposing. His mom didn’t think that was likely. She said Peter will commit to one person for the rest of his life, but it might not mean marriage.

“That’s a big deal to me,” Rachel said. “I just don’t want a boyfriend at the end of this.”

Rachel and Dean

The last person Rachel went on a hometown with was Dean in Aspen, Colorado. Dean’s family had not been under the same roof in eight years and Dean had not talked to his father in two. This date was probably the most nerve-wracking one to watch.

Since his mother’s death, Dean’s dad joined the Sikh faith. With everyone gathered on the floor, his father played the gong to calm everyone. Then he presented Rachel and Dean with flowers that reminded him of Dean’s mother. Rachel was extremely moved by the gesture.

“I was not expecting that,” Rachel said.

After dinner, Dean and his father got some alone time. Dean expressed his grievances to his father, but he didn’t really listen to or understand Dean’s troubles. Dean said he felt abandoned and that his father wasn’t making an effort to try to fix their relationship.

“You’re closing yourself off and is disallowing us to have a relationship,” Dean said.

The whole scene was intense, filled with yelling and heartbreak. Dean has been through so much. But the night doesn’t end there.

Rachel tried to talk to Dean’s father, but he blew her off. He couldn’t have a conversation with her because of his fight with Dean, but he did say, “Dean is an incredible man. … If it goes further, you are more than welcome to come back.”

Dean and Rachel shared one more moment together in which Dean says he is falling in love with her.

“I’m falling in love with you, too,” Rachel said.

Wow, she must really mean it if she said it, right? There is no way he was going home, right? Wrong.

At the rose ceremony, Rachel said goodbye to Dean: “To the person I have to say goodbye to tonight, I’m so sorry. I believe you are an absolutely amazing person, and I’m so sorry I have to do this.”

Dean was understandably confused.

“When she said it, I thought she meant it,” he said. “I think she’s an incredible woman. I just think that tonight she made a mistake.”

The Bachelorette airs Mondays at 8 p.m. on ABC.


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