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Letter: Free speech exists to protect offensive ideas, such as 'build the wall'

Free speech is measured only in the context of speech that expresses unpopular views.

I am a genuine Old Fogey, having graduated from Cornell University with my B.A. in 1970. I was Senior Editor of the Cornell Daily Sun, a student-owned and -run independent daily.

In those days, we believed in freedom of speech. There were many contentious issues in the '60s. Perhaps you heard of the Vietnam War. Feelings were strong on this, pro and con. And everybody had his say. Unpopular expressions were protected.

Several elections were held while I was in school, and there were many disruptive events. Martin Luther King was killed; so was Bobby Kennedy. Nixon (quite unpopular on campus) was elected president.

Many views expressed by students offended other students. And we were all the stronger for it. Some students tried to express views in an intentionally demeaning or scathing fashion. And it was good for us. Here's a news flash, folks: Free speech is not for the faint of heart. And it is measured only in the context of speech that expresses unpopular views.

Today, I read in The Post about a posting painted onto a wall that supported a controversial presidential candidate and repeated perhaps his signature platform plank  "Build the Wall." Afterward, this was painted over (with the approval of the administration) because the original sentiments bothered some students. Golly gee, where can I send my contribution to help these weaklings obtain psychological counseling so they do not fall apart?

Personally, I loathe Donald Trump. He is a know-nothing vulgarian. But he is entitled to his views. They do resonate with millions of Americans. Are they all haters? And even if so, does that mean their policy suggestions are beyond presentation in the open square of ideas?

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If you truly believe that, then you are marching in lock-step to your demise in a future dystopian society that will fractionalize and marginalize you and render you sheep. You will all be receiving $15 per hour minimum wage, living in Mommy & Daddy's basement and paying $35 for a double latte at Starbucks, where you can chant Kumbayah and work on your self-esteem.

Back to freedom of speech: You should read Voltaire  if you dare; he is, admittedly, a dead white male. He was a French philosopher who understood about free speech. He knew that free speech exists to protect offensive ideas, precisely like "build a wall." Obviously the tender souls at Ohio University and the administrators who herd them do not.

Arthur J. Maurello is a Cornell University alumnus.

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