Bare on the Bricks Glow Run will take place on Thursday night after it rescheduling the original run due to inclement weather.
College Gate will become a sea of donated clothes Thursday while surrounding streets are filled with nearly naked students as Bare on the Bricks takes place after being postponed earlier this semester.
Originally scheduled for Feb. 21, the event was canceled due to hazardous weather conditions, according to a previous Post report.
The “#NearlyNaked” after-party went on as planned at Pigskin Bar and Grille, 38 N. Court St., and collected more than $1,000 and 14 bags of clothing.
Thursday’s rescheduled event, called Bare on the Bricks Glow Run, will be the sixth installment of the philanthropic event, which is sponsored by the Ohio University Student Alumni Board and Phi Kappa Psi.
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“Basically, it’s going to be the original event without the Pigskin portion,” said Kendra Lutes, vice president of philanthropy for the Student Alumni Board.
The run will start at College Gate, go down Union Street, across University Terrace, up Park Place and down Court Street to end at the Alumni Gateway.
More than 100 individuals are registered for the glow-in-the-dark event, Amanda Moline, project manager for the event, said in an email.
“I'm looking forward to seeing everyone decked out in cool glow body paint designs,” she said.
Pre-registration is $10 and same-day registration is $12.
“We are going to have glow-in-the-dark hula hoops, glow-in-the-dark beach balls, we are going to have some glow-in-the-dark body paint that’s going on and just some fun activities for them to get excited for the actual run to start,” Lutes said.
The money raised from both the original and rescheduled events will go toward My Sister’s Place, a domestic violence agency that serves Athens and nearby counties. The organization provides a 24-hour hotline, outreach counseling and court advocates, among other services, for survivors of sexual assault.
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“We are also really excited that we are donating to My Sister’s Place,” said Zaya Gillogly, a Student Alumni Board member. “It’s really sad because there is such a prevalent issue of domestic violence in this area and it’s not something that I think is always talked about very much.”
Typically at Bare on the Bricks, students strip down to their skivvies and run down Court Street on a Saturday morning, but this will be the first time the event takes place on a weeknight.
“I’m really looking forward to seeing how it kind of takes shape as this night run,” Lutes said. “I think we are kind of adding a unique twist it, given the circumstances that we faced.”