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Here’s your spring 2020 horoscope based off your Zodiac sign

The flowers are blooming and the stars are aligning. Spring is the air and it’s time to see what the universe has in store for you. With the spring equinox on March 19, look to the stars to see what’s coming your way within the following months. 

While the days get brighter and longer, the season may be overshadowed by Mercury in Retrograde. The backwards planetary rotation will have significant influence over emotions from Feb. 17 to March 10 — leading to a period of miscommunication, disagreements and the return of past people. The retrograde occurs during Pisces season, the most emotional water sign of the zodiac. The two together? A recipe for disaster. Some signs such as Leo and Libra will not be as affected, while water signs such as Cancer and Scorpio will feel all of Mercury’s wrath. Will spring be kind this year or will Mercury Retrograde get the best of you? Here’s what's in store for your zodiac sign this spring:

Aries (March 21 - April 19):

Don’t get stuck in the blues this spring, Aries. The beginning of the season will be off to a tricky start due to miscommunication. Aries is not only the fire sign that kicks off spring, but the leader of the entire zodiac wheel. However, you love a challenge and it's coming your way. 

Over the next month, a major self-transformation period will occur in all areas of your life. You’re one to always be in the limelight, but being the leader of your social circle also comes with a lot of pressure to people please. During March, it’s time to recharge, lay low and focus on your own growth. If there is anything you need to get done, now is the time to do so. Come April, all your hard work will pay off as the Sun moves into your sign on March 21.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20):

As a zodiac sign that enjoys the comforts of life, you are one to hibernate during the colder months. Taurus, it’s time to wake up. The stars are aligning in your favor and have something amazing in store for you. During March, make sure to tie all the loose ends in your life with your personal relationships and finances. Invite a friend to coffee, call family you haven’t had close contact with and make sure to be conservative with money. If you are unhappy with how things are going right now, the spring season is the perfect opportunity to shed old ways and adopt new routines to boost your self-growth. 

Gemini (May 21 - June 20):

Dream big this spring season, Gem. You are a master at visualizing what you want and manifesting it into reality. If you have been pondering about future travel or have your sights set on future career moves, now is the time to act. As a mutable sign, you are able to adapt and shapeshift your life into anything you set your mind to. You represent two personalities: The one you are with the world and the one you are with yourself. It is easy for you to mask your feelings with your outgoing and care-free nature, but don’t be afraid to open up about emotions. Take care of yourself while you conquer your dreams this Spring. 

Cancer (June 21 - July 22):

The past few months may have come with a great deal of stress regarding your personal life. However, the clouds are parting for you to finally catch a break. You are not someone to wait around for things to change, but it’s time to slow down and allow things to come toward you. As a water sign, Mercury in Retrograde will have a strong influence on your emotions. Be cautious of the people that will try to re-enter your life and try to take advantage of you during this period. Don’t get caught in the feels and make amends with the past. Nonetheless, your successes and motivation will be noticed by everyone.

Leo (July 23 - Aug. 22):

While winter months are slow-paced for some, they certainly weren’t for you. Life has been busy and chaotic, as you have been working toward your current and future goals. Leo is ruled by the sun, which never goes retrograde. While most zodiac signs will be impacted by Mercury in Retrograde during spring, your sign will shine through. Take advantage of this time to check in with your loved ones you’ve disconnected with recently. Keep your head high because all your hard work the past few months will be worth it and reward you for the effort in the meantime. 

Virgo (Aug. 23 - Sept. 22):

As an Earth sign, you have a logical and systematic approach to life. During spring 2020, you’re in your element and ready to set plans into motion. Mercury is your ruling planet, which will be retrograding until March 10. Buckle up, because you will be directly impacted by its backspins. Love and relationships may be complicated during this time as an ex may appear out of the blue or arguments may arise unexpectedly. You may encounter second thoughts during this time, but your intuition will guide you the right way. Trust it. 

Libra (Sept. 23 - Oct. 22):

Life will be bliss for all the lovely Libras. The stars are in your favor and you have the green light to go toward all the things you want this spring. The sun in Aquarius will heat up all your passionate emotions and sense of self-expression. Libra is the flirt of the zodiac and it’s time to put all those skills to the test regarding a current or future love interest. You know the spotlight loves you, so don’t be afraid to dress up and put yourself out there. Make sure to have effective communication about feelings and don’t let special connections slip through your fingers. 

Scorpio (Oct. 23 - Nov. 21):

Get ready to bloom, Scorpio. Spring will be a positive season for you as a recent decision will soon speed up your life for the better. March will be a warm-up period for you in terms of getting back on your A-game. Come April, no one can stop you. As the second water sign of the zodiac, be prepared for Mercury in Retrograde to have influence your emotional state as tension may arise. It’s important to steer clear of drama and don’t repeat mistakes during this time. Focus on yourself, lock in on the future and embrace the people who support you along the way. 

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21):

The secret to success this spring season is to not let things throw you off course. You have things to get done, Sagittarius, so don’t let life throw punches at you. During this time, try to not let stubborn or aggressive energy overpower your attitude. Pay attention to growing the relationships in your life and set future career moves. During the month of March, life may feel fast-paced with a busy schedule. Make sure to keep up by making a to-do list and keeping motivation high. The stars are on your side, so take your destiny into your own hands. 

Capricorn (Dec. 22 - Jan. 19):

It’s time to start planning, Capricorn. What do you need to accomplish over the next few months? Your ability to design and execute will get you exactly where you need to be. In April, Mars and Saturn will reignite your motivation and energy to make progress with your goals. While you are in the spotlight, don't be surprised if Spring happens to be your season of good luck in all areas of your life. Opportunities are going to be coming toward you left and right regarding love and career moves. Listen to your intuition to decide which ultimately will benefit your life the most. 

Aquarius (Jan. 20 - Feb. 18):

The past few months have been pleasant during Aquarius season. However, Spring may come with some issues regarding communication and disagreements. You may struggle finding your place in all the madness, but make sure to lean on the support from your friends. During March, you have the ability to fuel your personal self-growth by focusing inward. While tensions may arise, look forward to good luck within the following and reflect on the lessons learned within the past. The key to your mission this spring is to not repeat old patterns and create healthy alternatives. 

Pisces (Feb. 19 - March 20):

Pisces season is in full swing and all eyes are on you. Take advantage of your power. The past few months may have felt like an uphill swim, but it’s time to catch a break and work smarter, not harder. You’re in your fluid and emotive element this spring, and good luck is coming your way. Mercury Retrograde in Pisces will be a damper for most zodiac signs, but you will have immunity. Be prepared for the return of people into your life while you’re glowing this spring. Your sensitive nature is easily manipulated, so make sure to trust your strong intuition when it steers you away.


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