Water quality will be discussed by the City and Safety Services committee at Monday night’s meeting.
The water treatment plan, cost of water connection and water fees will all be addressed. The water treatment plan may be changed to include water softening, which will help remove salts that create hard water.
In a recent meeting, the council passed an ordinance in favor of raising the sewage and water base rates. The people of Athens will now be paying around $24 a month for their sewage and water. Concern regarding the sewage fund has also been a topic of debate.
The Finance and Personnel committee will discuss appropriations and transfers necessary for the new year.
According to a January of 2018 meeting, the International Street Fair will take place on April 6, 2019. The Transportation committee will further discuss the fair and its logistics.
The Transportation committee will also discuss two bridge painting projects. The projects would take place along U.S. Route 33 over the Hocking River and over the old B&O railroad.
The Planning and Personnel committee will hear from the Income Tax Review Board. The committee will also amend the Athens County Code to make it in order with the Ohio Revised Code.