At the Ohio University Student Senate meeting Wednesday, Athens Mayor Steve Patterson gave a presentation about the Richland Passageway Project.
Patterson said the groundbreaking for the project will occur after graduation in the spring and is planned to be completed before move-in for Fall Semester 2019. The budget for the project is $1.8 million.
The Richland Passageway Project will create a pedestrian tunnel that will allow traffic to pass over a crossing between West Green Drive and Bobcat Lane. The tunnel will improve vehicles and pedestrians experiences, pedestrian safety issues and traffic on Richland Avenue in the future.
Patterson also presented Senate with an application form as the new process of banners allowed to be hung up. He hoped that it will decrease the numbers of vulgar banners being hung up near the university.
Senate passed two resolutions appointing senators and five resolutions dealing with budget.
The resolutions appointed Senator Chris Hrytzik to the Chair the Committee on the Budget. Janie Peterson was appointed as the new senator on the Women’s Affairs Commission.
Hrytzik said he felt honored to be appointed to the position and felt he would be good for it.
The other five passed resolutions provided funding for Student Senate events.
The funds will provide a table for the Blackburn Spencer Scholarship Pageant. The total cost to fund the table is $144. The pageant is hosted by the Multicultural Center. Through fundraising, a question/answer period and a formal scene, contestants compete to be crowned king or queen. The winner is awarded scholarship money through the Blackburn Spencer Scholarship and the Blackburn Spencer Achievement Award.
Senate also passed a two resolutions to purchase supplies for the Homecoming parade, such as acrylic paint, a Bobcat flag, snacks and Brenen’s coffee. Senate also approved to fund pizza at a Senate sponsored event.
Senate also passed a resolution to fund $100 to the Judicial Panel as a discretionary for equipment and future elections.