Today is Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019. Here’s what you need to know:
Good morning,
A Twitter account titled Athens Undercover Cop Alerts has been forewarning bargoers about undercover cops.
Beginning toward the end of January, the account has alerted people about almost every bar in Athens. The accounts biography states to direct message with any information about undercovers.
With more than 1,500 followers, the account appears to have a steady following. This past Saturday the account runner posted about the purpose of the account:
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News from The Post:
delfin bautista reacted to the internal audit from Ohio University, which they had not seen until the audit was released by The Post. (The Post)
An OU professor accused of sexually harassing three students was denied appeal. (The Post)
Here’s how OU celebrated the Chinese New Year (The Post)
Scores and Game Times:
Women’s basketball will host Akron on Wednesday. (The Post)
Athens High School basketball only has three games left in the regular season, and it has already won more games this season than last. (The Post)
Some non-conference games were announced for Ohio’s 2019-2020 football season (The Post)
Podcasts for The Post:
Georgia Davis and guest Taylor Johnston discuss the 1999 found-footage classic The Blair Witch Project on this week’s episode of First Reel. (The Post)
Athens Weather
You may want to grab your umbrellas. There’s a 50 percent chance of rain and a high of 52 degrees. (Courtesy of Scalia Lab)
You might also want to know…
Uber is now using boats to beat Mumbai’s traffic. (CNN)
Amazon’s Audible and Alexa partnered with Chooseco to create interactive, choose-your-own adventure audiobooks. (The Verge)
Tina Fey and Daniel Craig are among the first round of Oscar presenters announced. (The Hollywood Reporter)