To the Editor,
I am responding to Jessica Ensley’s opinion piece in Tuesday's Post.
Your false rhetoric and absurd worldview prevent you from undertaking any reasonable discourse or narrative regarding a discussion involving supposed campus-based "rape culture." You obviously are so overtly biased in your views that you have no idea what such a term implies. How easy it appears for you to resort to shaming tactics when reproaching speaker Johnson. Your shotgun appeal to the usual tropes used to silence any opposing views is obvious and apparent. To call Johnson a "rape apologist" is absurdly untrue. It is a misplaced accusation, which has nothing to do with the supposed presentation on judicial and fair legal procedure.
Having failed in your argument, you then make outrageously false claims against Johnson's personal character, which succeed in only defining your own lack of moral character and principles. Never has Johnson ever been known to dismiss concerns about intrapersonal violence in such a cavalier fashion as you claim. I doubt your interpretation of how you believe Johnson articulated such a dubious claim and ask any other attendees at the lecture (outside of F--kRapeCulture members) to rebut or verify such claims. Your false hyperbolic narrative regarding so called "safe spaces" for survivors and demands that a presentation such as Johnson's take place off-campus do you great intellectual disservice and infantilize the entire student population.
When such disingenuous tactics fail, you appeal to further ad hominem attacks on Johnson's academic record and general expertise by providing only one rather incredulous example of a disgruntled colleague suggesting that the entire academic community disrespects Johnson's work. This is a bigoted, cheap shot and lacks any reasonable discourse. You even discourteously dismiss Ohio University faculty who assisted in planning Johnson's visit. Your appeal to the highly debunked one in four campus sex assault figure is the icing on the cake.
No, Johnson is not a rape apologist. Yes, he is a respected academic doing invaluable work. He is in no way a campus joke, unlike "F--kRapeCulture" and the loudmouthed bigots and hypocrites that speak on its behalf. You bring great shame and much dishonor on your campus community.
Carole Lynn is a 2007 Ohio University alumnus.