Missing a class every so often is OK when there is a valid reason. Not going to class is often related to being sick or a family emergency, but students are often found trying to justify skipping class to make themselves feel less guilty. Here are a few “justifications” students often tell themselves to feel better about not going to class.
“I’m sick”
The common cold, also known as the common killer of college students, is a somewhat acceptable excuse. Illness travels through campus rapidly causing students to become sick and miss class. A cough and runny nose, however, should not prevent students from attending class. Unless upon flu, fever or death, being *cough cough* sick is not an excuse for missing class.
“I haven’t gotten any sleep”
Catching up on sleep during class time is not a reason to miss class. Grab a coffee and textbooks because being sleepy is not an actual reason to skip class.
“Man, this weather we’re having”
No matter how hard it is raining or snowing, unless class is cancelled, weather is not a valid reason to stay at home instead of head to class. Put on some boots, a jacket and tough out the short walk to your 11 a.m.
“I will catch up on other homework”
Working on another classes homework or studying while missing a different class may not be the best decision. While one classes work will be done, students will fall behind in another class.
“The professor doesn’t even take attendance”
Attendance may not be mandatory but that does not mean skipping class is OK. Not knowing what is happening in a class will be a direct set up to fail.
"No one else will be there"
Using another student’s decision to skip class is not enough to justify not attending. Whether attendance is mandatory or not, just go to class.
“I could just say I have a fake family emergency”
Lying about a family emergency is probably the worst reason to skip a class. And no, having a pet fish die is not an actual family emergency.
No matter the reason, it is important to go to class even if there is a very convincing reason to skip. While it might be cold out or attendance is not mandatory, a degree is not going to earn itself.