Apologies, readers; we haven’t been purposely ignoring your letters.
As we hope you’ve noticed, we have been striving to improve The Post’s online presence. We completely revamped thepostathens.com last year, and we have been working diligently to populate it with content that is interesting to students.
We’ve prided ourselves in working through the minor problems with thepostathens.com, and we just figured out a way to fix one of the nagging ones Monday.
We’re now able to access “letters to the editor” submitted to letters@thepostathens.com and through our online “submit a letter” portal. Both options had been malfunctioning for the better part of the semester. (The only way you could reliably write us a letter was to send it via snail mail, drop it off in person or send it to editor@thepostathens.com.)
To put it bluntly, if you happened to send an email to our “letters” email, no one saw it — including us. We know, it sucks. But rest assured, we’ll be uploading each of the unread letters to thepostathens.com over the coming days and printing the timely ones in the newspaper.
So consider this an apology on our part. We haven’t been ignoring you; we just never saw your letters.
As always, we want to hear your opinions about the goings-on of Athens. Please feel free to drop us an email about whatever topic suits your fancy. We promise we’ll be able to read it this time.
Editorials represent the majority opinion of The Post's executive editors: editor-in-chief Jim Ryan, managing editor Sara Jerde, opinion editor Xander Zellner and projects editor Allan Smith. Post editorials are independent of the publication's news coverage.