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Letter: Protesters need to be careful not to alienate allies

Regarding (Sunday) evening's protest, which included a march from the courthouse down Court and Mill Streets: I am an OU professor who joined the crowd at the courthouse. 

I did so because I, like them, am concerned for the safety of members of various minority groups in this country and wanted to express my opposition to racism, sexism, and bigotry in general. While listening to the speeches at the courthouse I was offended by the angry, anti-white racism expressed by one of the speakers. Nevertheless, in solidarity with the other speakers and citizens, I marched with them for part of the route, joining in chants that expressed opposition to fascism, the KKK, etc. 

However, when a leader of the march started a chant calling for revolution and dismantling of "the system" brick by brick, I turned around to walk back toward Court Street, because my goal is to preserve as much as possible of the constitutional democracy that is now under siege, and to do all I can to reform our society in the direction of justice as well as liberty for all of our citizens. 

To the groups who cooperated to organize the demonstration and march I say: Beware of alienating many people who would otherwise be your allies. Critical thinking is even more important now, during this time of heightened passions.

Dr. Alyssa Bernstein is an associate professor in the department in Philosophy at Ohio University.

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