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Letter: Donald Trump is one grossly unfit for the presidency

Donald Trump’s dirty deeds, when fully chronicled, have and will fill volumes of court and trial records. Paragon of goodness, honesty and being a real man? In truth, he has used and abused employees, women and social classes in service to his own greed and lust for power. 

Recall the then 13 year old girl whom he tied to a bed and raped (but has been intimidated into backing down – surprise!), his mockery of the handicapped, women, minorities, religions. He buys products for his building projects not from US companies located in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana or other American states, but from China! He is happy to use labor of undocumented workers for his projects and then to declare bankruptcy so has not to have to pay them. He dictates that all Muslims and those of religions that are not “ours” must be barred from the U.S. Sorry, Donald, not your call.

He has used his foundation money for personal and political gain and, at the moment, the foundation has been court ordered to stop soliciting donations. But, at the same time, Mr. Honesty tells us that all this is either “all lies” or “rigged.”

He pays no taxes to support programs that many thousands of Americans count on. He has no plan in place for any kind of health care program to help less fortunate Americans.

Internationally, every country outside the United States (with the possible exception of Putin’s Russia, which would love to see him elected as its puppet to manipulate) is hoping that he is defeated because his election will be the quickest path to worldwide instability and the possible path to world war, due to his total inexperience in dealing with any kind of international issues. His appalling lack of judgment and restraint has been seen in his comments of asking about using nukes and saying he would do so. ISIS does exist in our world now and Trump is not the candidate with levelheaded thinking that is needed to deal with this problem.

Congress cut funding for additional defensive support for our foreign embassies a few years back and Benghazi was one of the results. Let us hope that a Democratic president and a Democratic Congress can remedy this situation and many others and not spend all its time doing anything in its power to block the other party’s efforts. We have seen too much of that. Donald has lied continually to the American public, telling them that he is the only one that can fix “it”. Well, I think that “stronger together” is a much better way to approach our future.

Lana Jeffers is a resident of The Plains.

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