The Student Senate met Wednesday to hear from Student Trustees Mia Citino and Garrett Meek, and they recapped last week’s Board of Trustees meeting.
Citino sits on the Resources and Facilities and Audit and Risk Management committees, while Meek sits on Governance and Compensation and Academic and Student Success committees. The trustees shared updates with the senate about each of these committees.
After they had concluded their updates, the student trustees mentioned the opening of a trustee position due to Citino graduating in May.
Some requirements to become a student trustee include being an Ohio resident and having at least two years left as an Ohio University student, according to the application website. Also, any major is eligible to apply.
Meek said an information session is being held Tuesday from 5-6 p.m. in Baker 230 to learn more about the position, and the application closes Feb. 12.
After going through the interview process internally at the university, four candidates are then chosen to interview with the governor’s office.
“The governor's office does their own interview … and then ultimately the student trustee is government-appointed, which is really cool,” Citino said. “Your ultimate role is to act as liaison between the student body and the Board of Trustees.”
Following the presentation, the senate had several resolutions, including one to appoint a new chairperson to its budget committee, which passed.
All others were budget resolutions approving the purchases of various items for several student senate events coming up within various commissions.
The resolutions include distributing items to the student body such as well-being, Valentine’s Day and Black History Month event goodie bags.
“These goodie bags are full of fidgets, stress toys, inspirational items, as well as information on mental health first aid certification and how to become a peer support certified,” Director of Public Relations Kylie Christa said about the well-being goodie bags.
A resolution to cater food from Fat Boy Q, a Black-owned business, for the Black History Month event, was also passed by senate.
“For our event on February 12, in honor of Black History Month, my commission decided that authentic food from a Black-owned business was a necessity for this special occasion,” Chief of Staff Carson Sarver, read on Black Affairs Commissioner Precious Powell's behalf.
After every budget resolution passed, the senate then went into reports and adjourned after all reports finished.