A beloved, almost cult-classic-like film from the late 2000s is Searchlight Pictures’ “Juno,” a story following high school student Juno MacGuff as she discovers she’s pregnant. Starring icons such as Elliot Page, Jennifer Garner and Michael Cera, the film is perfect around this time of year for its themes of love, realization, self-growth and loneliness.
With so much of a following still behind it, here is what your favorite character from “Juno” says about you:
Juno MacGuff
Sometimes, you don’t like to take the world too seriously, using cynicism and sarcasm as your lethal weapons to take down your critics. This toughness and lack of emotion are what make you stand out amongst the crowd, but also put a lot of pressure on you to keep up this persona, which can have negative effects after long periods of time. Deep down, you are a softy, falling for people who show you true empathy and compassion, hence why you form a blossoming relationship with Paulie Bleeker (Michael Cera). All in all, you are known for not letting people get the best of you, always thinking of yourself more highly while also attracting people as like-minded as you.
Paulie Bleeker
You’re a little awkward and shy, but people know it’s just because you are simply an introvert. You may have a strong, secret passion for running, and find peace in exercising and getting out of your head for a bit. While you sometimes don’t act with the best intentions, your warmth and humility are what make people like you, and you’re never not being yourself. You sometimes are bad at confrontation, as well as sharing your true feelings, but when you do, it’s quite meaningful and memorable for others involved.
Vanessa Loring
You have a big heart, not letting anyone around you go unnoticed. You love helping others, whether with big or small tasks, and you tend to gravitate towards people who are also selfless and giving. Sometimes, your abundance of sweetness can be irritating, as people don’t always like to be met with positivity constantly, but you don’t let this stop you from making an impact on someone. You have deeper struggles that you tend to hide, especially to avoid the attention on you, and this can show when something or someone really upsets you. Yet, your bright attitude and positive outlook on life lift you up at the end of the day, inspiring others to follow your lead.
Brenda ‘Bren’ MacGuff
Sadly, you’re a worrier. Your anxiety is always at the forefront, causing you to be extremely cautious of your own decisions, as well as others. You think you can fix others' problems in an instant, but this only overwhelms and upsets those around you. Yet, you do act in your best judgment most of the time, offering advice to those closest to you when they really are struggling. Even if anxious, people know that you mean well, and they respect you for caring so much about their problems and worries. Yet, don’t let yourself be overly consumed by other people, as it tends to get you into awkward situations every now and then.
You are extremely loyal, never abandoning anyone close to you in their worst times. You like to listen and give advice, and you usually act as the “mom” friend of the group. You don’t let your emotions show often, but you are deeply sensitive when it comes to your friends and family. Sometimes, you get caught up in all of the people and activities you involve yourself in, not realizing that you don’t have any free time for yourself. Your work ethic and good qualities as a friend make you quite the fan-favorite, and you know that you’re acting genuinely, and not for the appeal of others.