Ohio University is a place where students showcase their creative freedom across all art forms. There’s a large arts culture in Athens, with students showcasing their musical, theatrical and visual talents across the entire campus. There are even groups for these students to join where they can jive and hang out with others who share their interests.
However, across the large catalog of student organizations offered by OU, there’s one I think should be added to the list: A club specifically for people who enjoy watching films either casually or rigorously. There isn’t a club for students to meet up in one place and at one time to enjoy a film together across any genre. It wouldn’t necessarily have any merit toward someone’s degree, but it would be a great social opportunity to find like-minded people who share a love for cinematography.
I know I am not the only person who is obsessed with movies, but I also know how difficult it is to go out of your way and make friends. It can be daunting and feel like a monumentally overwhelming task. This is a big reason why many students join student organizations, as it’s an easy way to get your foot in the door with a certain group. However, even that can be stressful if you go into it without so much as having had a class with someone in the club. Additionally, many student organizations may feel like cliques. This is just one reason why I think OU needs a film club open to everyone inside or outside the film community.
The club wouldn’t specifically be for film majors or people who spend multiple hours a day analyzing a film’s soundtrack out of boredom. Even if you’re the type of person who only goes to see the newest blockbusters in theaters or strictly watches action films, the club would be open for you, too.
I believe this would be a perfect addition to the roster of student organizations, as it not only allows people deep in the film community to make friends but also introduces people who want to learn. Plus, it would not be a very demanding club—it would be completely social and a simple way to cool down after a demanding academic week. On a regular basis, students could meet once or twice a week to sit down to watch a classic film or something requested by club members. In the event of holidays, there could be special events to draw in more members hosted by the club.
Honestly, it’s surprising to me that there isn’t already an established club for film enjoyers. While there are clubs for students studying film and those interested in making their own, I feel like OU needs its own group for people who just want a few hours a week to gush over their favorite films.
So, if there were people looking to start a film club in the upcoming years, would you join? And if so, what would be the first film you would want to show the other members?
Mia Ashby is a senior studying journalism at Ohio University. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnist do not reflect those of The Post. Do you agree? Tell Mia by emailing her at ma237419@ohio.edu.