They say good things come in threes, and “The Ryans” of the Ohio’s team are no exception. Ryan Higgins, Ryan Hastings and Ryan Leonard were lucky enough to be given the same name at birth and play for the Bobcats simultaneously.
It was a welcome coincidence, as the three of them have quite a friendship. The Post sat down with them to learn more about the trio when they are off the ice
The Post: Does it ever get confusing because you’re all Ryan? Is there a nickname situation?
Higgins: Yeah, I mean we pretty much all go by our last names or made up nicknames, but for the most part if somebody yells “Ryan!” it’s like a funny joke, we all respond.
Leonard: Everybody says “what?” at the same time.
TP: (Leonard) They did a feature on you on the hockey account... you limbo?
Leonard: I do
TP: Can you tell me more about that?
Leonard: Yeah I’ve been the reigning champ for the past four years. Nobody is able to beat me at all.
TP: So nobody can limbo better than you?
Leonard: No one ever.
TP: Is there a (team) limbo competition?
Leonard: We haven’t had one this year, yet. In the past, there’s been some limbo competitions and obviously I came in first.

Ryan Leonard. Provided by Ohio Hockey.
TP: (To Hastings) you racquetball?
Hastings: Yeah, I’m kind of rusty right now, haven’t been putting in the work that I want to. Last year I was first pick every time we played.
Leonard: Yeah we did Tuesday racquetball.
TP: You were just always number one?
Hastings: Top dog.
Leonard (agreeing): Top dog.
TP: (To Higgins) you drum? Tell me more about that.
Higgins: I used to drum more back in the day, I like to bang around on some pillows here and there, but now I’m really into cooking. I like to chef it up for the boys.
TP: Can you expand on that for me?
Higgins: Anything and everything. Just give me a request and I will have it made and sent right to your doorstep.
TP: What’s your favorite dish that Ryan (Higgins) makes?
Leonard: We had chicken gyros last week, really good.
Hastings: He cooked me a mean steak dinner last semester.

TP: Wow. So, is there a pregame song that gets you all collectively hype?
Higgins: (Hesitantly) The Bad Touch?
Leonard: Oh yeah… yeah that one.
TP: Switching gears, do you guys play video games together at all?
Leonard: I’m a Fortnite guy.
Hastings: We actually have a decent group of Fortnite players
TP: Are you guys all really good?
Leonard: Ehhh.. there are some-
Hastings: There is definitely a skill gap.
TP: Who is the best Fortnite player?
Leonard: Max Karlenzig is really good, Jaden Pashe and Phil Angervil.
TP: Okay this is a very silly question, but if you could star in a music video for any song, what would you want the song to be?
Leonard: I would probably want to be in "99 Red Balloons."
Hastings: Aw, you took mine! (laughs)
Higgins: We could just put all the Ryans in there.
Leonard: Oh it would be a hit!
TP: So is it fun playing together?
Leonard: Yeah that is probably my favorite part of the day.
Higgins: Yeah getting to hang out with all the Ryans. I don’t know if you know but there is another Ryan.
TP: Oh no, did I miss one?
Higgins: Yes, it is Sam Ryan Turner.
TP: Oh a middle name!
All: He’s an honorary Ryan!

Provided by Ohio Hockey.
TP: Okay, If you could only eat one candy for the rest of your life what would you eat?
Hastings: The Nerds Gummy clusters. Those are delicious.
Higgins: I’m into gummy bears, gummy worms, anything like that I’m all over it and you have to get the big three pound bag to share with everybody. With the Ryans!
Leonard: I’d probably say Sour Patch Kids or the watermelon ones too. But I think I like the different flavors of the regular.
TP: They just came out with peach ones!
Higgins: Oh we have to go to CVS.
TP: If you could do a group Halloween costume with the three of you, what would it be?
Higgins: the first one that comes to mind is you know the Thing One Thing Two Things Three Thing Four, but there's no Ryan one Ryan two Ryan three and four. So we're all Ryan one.
Hastings: We could probably make those shirts. Easily.
TP: You could do the Penguins of Madagascar?
Leonard: (laughs) Just smile and wave boys!
Managing Editor