Favorite Thanksgiving food?
Caroline Kammerer: Mashed potatoes
Kailyn Pickett: Mashed potatoes
Christina Parker: Mashed potatoes
Sydney Lehmann: rolls
Dori Gray: Baked mac ‘n cheese
Dylan Pohovey: Broccoli casserole
Grace Koennecke: Stuffing
Pia Benthin: Sweet potato casserole
Alyssa Cruz: Cranberry sauce!!!
Maggie Valentine: My grandpa’s sweet potatoes
Abby Jenkins: Cranberry sauce
McKenna Christy: Cornbread
Isabella Pedrera: Stuffing
Katie Millard: Mashed potatoes
Favorite Thanksgiving dessert?
Kammerer: Pumpkin pie
Pickett: Apple pie
Parker: Pumpkin pie
Lehmann: Pumpkin bars
Gray: whipped cream
Pohovey: Chocolate pie
Koennecke: I HATE pie, so definitely the ice cream and cookies my extended family brings.
Benthin: Pumpkin pie
Cruz: NOT pumpkin pie but pretty much anything else.
Valentine: Apple pie
Jenkins: Pumpkin roll
Christy: Pecan pie
Pedrera: Pumpkin pie
Millard: Apple pie
Do you have any Thanksgiving traditions?
Kammerer: On the Saturday after Thanksgiving my entire family goes to Fountain Square in Cincinnati to ice skate and watch Santa repel down a building.
Pickett: I bake pies with my grandma the day before Thanksgiving.
Gray: I go Black Friday shopping.
Pohovey: I always watch the Lions lose on Thanksgiving.
Koennecke: Usually my family and I watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.
Cruz: We celebrate Christmas at Thanksgiving with my extended family.
Valentine: Every morning my dad makes cinnamon rolls and my family watches the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade together.
Jenkins: We all help set the table and always watch football after dinner.
Christy: I spend the day with my family. We get together and eat and talk about everything under the sun.
Pedrera: I cook with my family.
Millard: Kind of morbid, but my family always gets a stick of butter shaped like a turkey, and it's considered an honor to be the one to behead it.
What is your favorite thing about Thanksgiving?
Kammerer: Being with my family and eating the delicious food everyone makes.
Pickett: The food.
Lehmann: Seeing my extended family in Cleveland.
Gray: The “break” (though i will still be working) and seeing my family.
Pohovey: Eating a lot of food.
Koennecke: Getting to see my siblings!! I’m a triplet, so it’s hard being apart from them and I love getting to catch up with them.
Benthin: Coming together over good food and practicing gratefulness and mindfulness.
Cruz: Spending time with my family and being together.
Valentine: Getting to see all my family bond over our love of food
Jenkins: I love seeing my family from out of town, it’s always so good to catch up with them and just share a really nice meal together. I love the togetherness feeling that Thanksgiving brings.
Christy: The variety of food.
Pedrera: Getting the whole family together and saying what we are thankful for
Millard: Getting to go home and spend time with my family.
What’s one fun thing you did over Thanksgiving break?
Kammerer: I went to North Carolina with my family to get our Christmas tree.
Pickett: I dogsat with my friend and the owners had an indoor pool.
Parker: I hung out with my friends.
Lehmann: I loved night drives with music blaring with my friends from home.
Gray: I went to my grandparents’ house.
Pohovey: I played basketball with my friends from home
Koennecke: I watched the Ohio State v. Michigan game.
Benthin: I went on a solo vacation to Cleveland.
Cruz: I was finally able to see my cousins.
Valentine: I had a “friendsgiving” with my best friends and we all made charcuterie boards.
Jenkins: I went and saw a musical at my high school.
Christy: I crocheted scarves for my friends.
Pedrera: I picked out a Christmas tree
Millard: I turned 21 and celebrated with my parents and sister.
Who in Culture went Black Friday shopping?

What are you most thankful for?
Kammerer: Having a good relationship with my family.
Pickett: My best friend, even though she lives in a different country.
Parker: I’m most thankful for my friends I made at Ohio University.
Lehmann: Everyone in my life. I have the most amazing family and friends. I am so thankful to have such a great support system and I never feel alone because of them.
Gray: My family, cheesy but true.
Pohovey: My sisters.
Koennecke: My family, friends and my boyfriend. They all are so selfless, kind and driven, and I love them all dearly.
Benthin: My study abroad experience at OU.
Cruz: I am so thankful to my family because they are always so supportive of my hopes and dreams! Los quiero!
Valentine: I am thankful for my family who put up with me every day.
Jenkins: My boyfriend, my dog and my family.
Christy: My friends and family who encourage me to just keep going.
Pedrera: My family and friends.
Millard: My loved ones and the culture section.