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An unprecedented event has occurred in the gaming community. Popular Minecraft streamer, “Dream,” has finally shown his face on Twitter and YouTube (Photo provided by @Dream via Twitter).

The man behind the mask, Dream face reveal

An unprecedented event has occurred in the gaming community. Popular Minecraft streamer, “Dream,” has finally shown his face on Twitter and YouTube. For years, fans of Dream have been asking about what his face looks like, as his persona depicts him wearing a mask all the time. However, the time has finally come that Dream opens up and shows his real face for the first time on camera.

Dream excited his audience by announcing on Twitter that he would be showing his face on camera. True to his word, he then posted a picture of himself on Twitter two hours later. He also started live streaming at the same time on YouTube, where he showed more of his face on video.

If you are unaware of who Dream is, he is a YouTuber who gained massive popularity due his skill in the game Minecraft. His more popular video series involve running away from hunters in Minecraft while he tries to complete the game as quickly as he can. He currently has over 30M subscribers on YouTube.

Throughout his videos, Dream would always depict himself as a guy with a mask and his hood up, which created a mystery of what the YouTuber actually looks like. Dream has always teased his audience about his face in the past, as this has been on the minds of fans for the longest time.

The closest thing to a face-reveal before this was an animated music video where he sings about “the point of the mask.” It showcases the story of why he chose to use a mask to cover his face, detailing how he never really was happy but still wanted to look friendly. The video was heavily criticized for being incredibly corny, but it did show Dream without a mask on, albeit in an animated format. 

People on Twitter have already been making jokes and memes about Dream’s appearance, often comparing him to cartoon characters. The overall reception has been mixed, as there are many who either do not care, think he’s good-looking or goofy looking.

Overall, it is a momentous day for Dream stans as this has been the most anticipated thing Dream could ever do. It is still up for speculation how this is going to change things for the Minecraft YouTuber in the long run.


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