Becky “Eliza” Ivan, president of Ohio University Student Senate, gave the State of the Senate address during its first in-person meeting of the year Wednesday, focusing on the projects members of Senate have worked on during their terms.
Ivan talked about many efforts members of Senate have made, including advocating for more sustainable efforts on campus, putting on town halls for students to ask questions to members of Senate and helping to create more spaces for LGBTQ+ students.
“I am honestly proud of you all for the work you have done this year,” Ivan said.
Additionally, Ivan said $74,569 was allocated last semester by Senate toward Bobcathon, the meteorological symposium and other student programming. She also talked to members of Senate about continuing to create programming until the end of their terms.
Senate decided to table a resolution that would have canceled its general body meeting on March 2 so that it could put on a town hall meeting for students during that time, which would be mandatory for all members to attend.
The resolution was discussed thoroughly after a 9-5 vote in favor of the resolution in which it did not pass because it needed a two-thirds majority in order to do so.
Members in favor of the resolution argued that the town hall was more necessary than a general body meeting because the members’ would be able to hear from their constituents. Additionally, those in favor of the resolution pointed out there was low attendance from Senate members during the last town hall, which was disappointing for some.
However, those against the resolution said their hesitancy was about the timing of the event, not the town hall itself.
“People like myself who want to vote against this measure are not against hearing from their constituents,” Luke Beccasio, environmental affairs commissioner, said. “I just think that it’s not the right time.”
Senate also approved a resolution to purchase $81.90 worth of office supplies for Students Defending Students, an organization at OU that provides legal help to students.
Two students were appointed to positions on Senate during the meeting. Carson Sarver was appointed as director of graphic design and Emily Ertle was appointed as both chairperson to the committee on senior honors and the committee on emeritus.