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fall horoscope

Your guide to fall 2021 based on your sun sign

As both the fiery summer heat and the bold energy of Leo season start to die down, we turn the page to Virgo season, where we are met with a calmer energy that’s soothing for everyone. 

The sun is currently in the mutable earth sign of Virgo until Sept. 22. Virgo is a practical sign, known to thrive in an environment of routine, harmony, planning and refinement. All of these attributes can be used to your advantage when setting yourself up for a successful fall or Fall Semester. 

This Virgo season, all signs feel inclined to take a step back from the fun and start getting more serious about schooling, care or health. With a little guidance from the stars above, find out what’s uniquely in store for your sun sign and how to best navigate this fall:

Aries (March 21-April 19)

After a Leo season full of learning to love and choose yourself, these next few months could feel as if something is slightly dragging you down, Aries. There’s no need to dwell over this feeling, as it will be no challenge for your powerful and driven nature. With Uranus in retrograde starting Aug. 19, all Aries could benefit by getting ahead of their future challenges now. Refine a plan for your long-term financial and health goals, and your future self will thank you. 

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Creativity and career go hand-in-hand for you this fall, Taurus. It will be beneficial to ask yourself how you can best integrate those two, given that you’re happiest when your career involves using your creative side. This season, the careless bull will be forced to step out of their comfort zone and take some major risks to get their career path exactly where they want it to be. Due to the retrograde, this will feel effortless; the thrill of risk has likely been on your mind anyhow. With great risk comes great reward.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Dual in nature, a Gemini is always thrilled when a new perspective is presented to them. For this reason, your fall will bring refreshing, new energy that prompts you to open your mind and expand your ways of thinking — that is, only if you can remain flexible enough to follow through on your new ideas and aspirations. With Uranus now in Taurus, you might find yourself dragging your feet on new projects and ideas or being more stubborn than usual. Don’t be afraid to take advice, whether that’s your own or from others.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

For months now, you’ve been making big strides in your self-growth. You are naturally comfortable in your own space, but this fall, something will be pushing you to break out of your shell. That “something” might just be your own realization that you need to be uncomfortable in order to grow. Step into this realization and let growth easily flow to you, and a huge transformation could finally take place. 

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leos, it’s time to step back and let something other than you take the lead in your life. While summer and your very own Leo season are now in the rearview mirror, you might naturally turn to look at more serious matters of your life, such as your career or health. As you’re making changes for the better, be careful to assess your driving motivators behind your actions. Are you doing things because you want to or because you feel that’s what you should do? 

Virgo (Aug. 23- Sept. 22)

Happy birthday to all the Virgos! The mutable Earth sign of Virgo is no stranger to practicality, and this fall will be full of that. During your birthday season, don’t be afraid to make things all about you, though. Likely, that’s the practical thing to do because you deserve it. Consider taking a little extra time to yourself to think things through. Consider your wants and needs, and be decisive. When analyzing problems this fall, don’t miss the mountain for the molehill.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Ruled by the planet of love, the sign of Libra will have no issues in their romantic sector this fall; in fact, things might even be at an all time high. Don’t be afraid to ride this high as long as possible. Things are only looking up for you. With the planet of Mars in Libra until Oct. 30, you might get a burst of confidence in your problem-solving skills, although you’re naturally assertive, so this burst of confidence wasn’t needed. Well-deserving, the lovely Libra will be reaping the benefits of their hard work this fall.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

This fall is all about connections for you, Scorpio, and that’s going to come by first making the effort to put yourself out there. With Uranus in your sister sign of Taurus for the rest of the year, you’ll find it effortless to look at the people in front of you and be able to make a positive connection. Not only will you have plenty of people going out of their way to help you, but you will simultaneously be doing amazing things for others without even noticing. Connection is key, so use your strategic and seductive side wisely, and this fall will be a time of sweet renewal. 

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

The spotlight is on your career this fall, Sagittarius, and your relentless ambition is the reason. Generally a sign that’s confident and optimistic, you’ve never been one to limit yourself, and this fall is no different. If there are multiple projects on your mind right now, ask yourself if you can combine them. You’re exceptional at balancing multiple tasks at once, but at this time, you might find it easier to create something that showcases multiple aspects of who you are. 

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You’re not used to this type of growth that’s coming your way, Cap, so this fall brings an uncomfortable yet pleasant metamorphosis. You’re coming to terms with what growth means to you, and you could be shifting from looking at life as a series of ups and downs to a continuous positive evolution. A confident Capricorn will make great strides in terms of career and money this fall, so waste no time putting your plans into action.

Aquarius (Jan 20-Feb. 18)

The fall’s theme for you is relationships, Aquarius. You are a sign who is naturally introverted, requiring internal validation over external validation any day. This fall, you might consider turning to close relationships for watering and development. Although the head is easier for you to follow, now is a time to tap into your heart. If there’s any under-the-surface feelings that need to be addressed, now is the time for you to clear the air and focus on growth. 

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

The mutable water sign of Pisces can sometimes act as a reflection of their surroundings, but this fall will allow a breakthrough with correcting these actions. The fish could feel compelled to swim in every direction lately. For this reason, take a little extra time to ground yourself before making any big decisions. Remember that if you want to leave any impression on others, this can only happen if you act in an unexpected manner. 


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