Today is Monday, March 15, 2021. Here’s what you need to know:
Good morning,
The 63rd Annual Grammy Awards will definitely look different this year. With the pandemic still prevailing, organizers are taking extreme precautions to pull the show off. Many features of the Grammys that we all know and love, will not be present this year. This includes the red carpet outside and a live audience. The scenery will also look different with the ceremony being held in the Los Angeles Convention Center.
Many performers have remained cautious and steered clear from the media area to ensure safety and health before the show. Reporters and other staff are set with high, thick black curtains, and are being replenished constantly with masks and hand sanitizer. If someone drops their mask even for a second, security has been said to scold them immediately. Food or water from the outside will not be permitted in the building. Tech people are using adaptive equipment, such as a six-foot boom mic, to maintain their distance. Performers are using four separate stages that will be facing each other, this way artists can perform together and stay distant.
Security protocols and credentials to enter the Grammys have always been austere. However, this year they are implementing mouth swabs and thermometers. AP reporter Marcela Isaza states that by the time of “Sunday’s show, I will have had five COVID-19 tests in 11 days. When we get a negative result, we get a credential to go in, but still have our temperature taken daily before we enter.”
News from The Post:
Ohio University has seen a 3.9% decrease in its tenure track instructional faculty across its campuses, while the number of non-tenured faculty members is on the rise. (The Post)
Check out The Post’s 2021 spring fashion forecast. (The Post)
Student Callie Smith and Professor David LaPalombara collaborated to make an imaginary family story come to life. (The Post)
Athens Weather
Athens is getting cloudy. With a low of 38 degrees and a likely chance of rain, get your umbrella and rain boots out! (Courtesy of Scalia Lab)
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While the Boston St. Patrick’s Day parade has been canceled, the Edward Kennedy Institute is celebrating with a virtual event. (AP)
With schools still named after controversial presidents such as Woodrow Wilson; the debate over renaming schools remains passionate, alongside the BLM movement. (NBC)
NY Sheriff received a warning letter from Congress after flying pro-Trump flag at summer boat parade. (FOX)