It isn’t typical to go into spring break with the idea that your life and the world around you are going to change completely. Unfortunately, that was the case for college students in spring 2020. As college students, we go into spring break with pent-up emotions and a number of expectations for fun and rest, to some degree. In a time full of changes, our spring break this year, once again, is atypical.
In October, Ohio University President Duane Nellis confirmed the plan for Spring Semester, following suit with the cancelation of spring break. As an attempt to throw OU students a bone, “wellness days” were incorporated into the Spring Semester schedule: Feb. 9, March 3 and April 1. On these three days, there are no classes in session. However, with a semester’s worth of mostly online material, college students are not exactly able to rest for a day of wellness.
“Wellness days” will feel no different than a university holiday. Classes resume the day after, as do assigned readings or homework. If you go into one of three “wellness days” with an assignment due the next day, chances are that your day off will be spent in part completing that assignment. While students are grateful for a day off, the workload doesn’t stop.
Spring break did not bear this weight. Classes were structured with an entire week off factored in, fading out before the start of break and easing in upon return. Our “wellness days” fall on different days of the week giving the ability for Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday classes to pick right back up.
“Wellness days” are understandably not able to give that feeling of relief that spring break does. As a result, it is increasingly important to slow down when possible and incorporate breaks and well-being into more than three days of allotted time on the academic calendar.
In an ode to the spring break that once was, “wellness days” remain. While not the desired situation, the cancelation of spring break is the safer option. I won’t necessarily be counting down the days in anticipation of a “wellness day,” but I can at least look forward to not being on camera for a day or three.
Lauren Patterson is a sophomore studying journalism. Please note that the views and ideas of columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Want to talk to Lauren? Tweet her @lpaatt.