Athens City Council passed an ordinance Monday that allows impound lots to exist outside of city limits.
Currently, impound lots are required to be in the city’s limits. This ordinance allows for these lots to be placed within 5 miles of city limits.
Councilwomen Beth Clodfelter, D-at large, and Chris Fahl, D-4th ward, expressed concern about the lack of public transportation that could take people to impound lots outside of city limits.
“I still feel like there wouldn't be any form of public transportation available at night when I think a lot of people get their cars towed,” Clodfelter said.
Clodfelter also expressed concern about people attempting to walk to retrieve their car at one of these lots late at night when many forms of public transportation in Athens are not running.
“I really would worry about people … either getting a ride with someone who is intoxicated or trying to walk on dark roads for miles at night, Clodfelter said. “There are too many negative possibilities with this scenario, I think.”
Councilwoman Arian Smedley, D-1st ward, said cab services and Lyft are both options for people who need to retrieve their cars later in the evening.
Council also passed a Resolution urging lawmakers to enact H.R. 763, The Energy Innovation And Carbon Dividend Act of 2019. If enacted, H.R. 763 would impose a carbon fee on producers and importers of fuel that emits greenhouse gases.
An ordinance was passed that suspends Athens’ 24-hour parking rule from Dec. 15, through Jan. 5, 2021.