There are currently 435 student-athletes at Ohio University. There are 291 in-state athletes compared to the 144 out-of-state students, according to a presentation at the Board of Trustees in January.
There are 159 students enrolled in the college of business. Lydia Ramlo, president of student senate, said it could be due to the fact that the business school has the sports management major.
The second-largest college that student athletes are enrolled in is the College of Arts and Sciences with 89 students enrolled. The smallest number of student athletes enrolled in a college is a tie between the Honors Tutorial College and the College of Fine Arts, both with only four student athletes enrolled, according to the Board of Trustees meeting.
Julie Cromer, director of athletics, told Student Senate that a way they are wanting to show athletics by major is to show that not all athletes are enrolled in the College of Business.
Student-athletes are not only in sports management, Ramlo said. There are many majors athletes are enrolled in. There are students in engineering, communications, education and more.
The 2018-2019 school year had 428 student athletes, which is seven fewer than this year.
The number of scholarships that went to athletes decreased this year. Last year, there were 344 athletic scholarships given out. There were only 320 given out this school year.
There were 130 full athletic scholarships given last year and 214 partial athletic scholarships. This year, 128 full athletic scholarships were given out, and 192 partial athletic scholarships were given out.
There were more student athletes that were not given any form of athletic scholarship this year compared to last year. Only 84 student athletes were not given an athletic scholarship last year, and 144 students were not given an athletic scholarships this school year.
The cumulative GPA for last semester got higher last year than it had been in previous school years. The 2016-2017 cumulative GPA was about 3.22; the 2017-2018 GPA was about 3.2; and the 2018-2019 GPA was about 3.23. These cumulative GPAs are higher on average than the average OU student, Ramlo said.
Student athletes tend to graduate in either four or six years. The four-year federal cohort is 76%. The six-year graduation succession rate, or GSR, is 89%. This ranks OU as fourth in the MAC. The highest GSR is 93%, and the lowest is 83%. This makes OU on the higher end of the GSR for athletics.
There are also graduate student athletes that help in different programs. Some graduate assistants even help advise student organizations like Bobcathon and athletics, Ramlo said.
There are 33 teaching assistants helping in the athletic department. There are 14 graduate students who are helping in coaching education, eight in athletic training, one in journalism and 10 in MBA/sports administration. These graduate student athletes might help advise a team or do other things relating to sports, Ramlo said.