Today is Tuesday, Nov. 5, 2019. Here’s what you need to know:
Good Morning,
Petitioning is a worthy cause, and one Ohio University student is hoping 100 signatures is enough.
Nathan Hart, a junior studying journalism, is petitioning for OU to tear down the “stinky” tree outside Schoonover. Hart is hoping 100 signatures will persuade President Duane M. Nellis to take steps to get rid of the tree and “maybe put a nice fern in its place.”
“Our senses have been assaulted by the smelly tree near Schoonover for far too long,” Hart’s petition reads. “Every fall, it deposits its foul stink bombs unto the Earth and unto our fragile, nubile noses. Mr. Nellis, tear down this tree.”
Hart currently has 11 signatures for the effort.
News from The Post:
LGBT workplace discrimination is in the spotlight as the US Supreme Court debates amending the 1964 Civil Rights Act. (The Post)
Funding toward Alden Library has decreased over the past couple years. (The Post)
Opinion: Voting with local interests in mind makes for stronger communities. (The Post)
Scores and Game Times:
Jeff Boals will begin his Ohio men’s basketball coaching career tonight against St. Bonaventure. (The Post)
Sarina Dirrig’s late-season surge is a key factor in Ohio soccer’s push in the postseason. (The Post)
Ohio women’s basketball kicks off its season against Syracuse tonight. (The Post)
Athens Weather
Grab an umbrella. There’s an 80% chance of rain today with a high of 50 degrees. (Courtesy of Scalia Lab)
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After switching to a four-day workweek, Microsoft’s productivity increased 40%. (Insider)
Harry Styles announced his sophomore album, Fine Line, will be released in December. (Rolling Stone)
The EPA rolled back its rule on waste from coal-fueled power plants. (CNN)