Ohio University’s Student Senate passed two resolutions at Wednesday’s meeting including the appointment of a new senator for the Women’s Affairs Commission and a budget approval for the upcoming LGBTQA+ Affairs bake sale.
While there was a scheduled presentation from delfin bautista, director of OU’s LGBT Center, it was cancelled due to unexpected travel complications.
The resolution to purchase supplies for the LGBTQA+ Affairs bake sale passed. It approved the budget of $65.26 to buy supplies for the bake sale, such as sugar, flour, pretzel rods and other baking supplies.
A resolution was passed to appoint Betty Miller as a senator for the Women’s Affairs Commission.
Commissioners presented various in progress bills to the floor such as Ohio House Bill 750, which expands various grants programs for community colleges and other higher education institutions. Commissioners also spoke about Ohio House Bill 758, a free speech bill for that takes away the university’s ability to regulate in campus speakers.
Student Senate President Maddie Sloat also acknowledged Collin Wiant, a first-year student and Sigma Pi pledge who died Monday, according to a previous Post report. Following Wiant’s death, the OU chapter of Sigma Pi received a cease and desist order from the university.
Sloat also shared with the Senate that approval for the formation of a Bobcat Leadership Council that had been approved by the school board. Details on the new council are to be released after Thanksgiving break.