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Many freshmen will come to Athens having only stepped foot on campus once before for their tour or orientation. They might not know where to go or what to do.
In order to help with that transition, and just to keep students of all ages involved, Ohio University offers plenty of events each week.
Any students who enjoy music will have three on-campus options during the week.
Tuesday at 7 p.m., students can attend the Singer Songwriter Circle in Baker Center’s 1804 Lounge. Students can also get their caffeine fix on Wednesday night in Front Room Coffeehouse for the Acoustic Showcase.”
Ohio University Concert Series and the Campus Involvement Center will be inviting various local artists, including students and student groups such as the male a capella group Section Eight, to perform sets at 8:30 p.m.
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Chris Biester performs at Casa Nueva for Open Mic Night on Wednesday, April 25.
Front Room Coffeehouse also hosts a Friday night Open Stage at 8 for any student who can play an instrument or hold a tune.
If students are looking to laugh, they have three opportunities throughout the week to either perform or be entertained.
On Tuesday at 8 p.m., they can grab a cup of coffee in Front Room for Comedy & Coffee. At 9 p.m. on Thursday, Black Sheep Improv will perform in Baker Theater. Saturday night brings Blue Pencil Stand-Up Comedy to Front Room at 8 p.m.
Students will also be able to enjoy free, newly released movie screenings with pizza and popcorn in Baker Theater periodically throughout the semester.
In between Wednesday classes, students can skip the dining hall and make their way to the first floor of Baker Center. In the Bobcat Lounge, the Ohio University Program Center will be dishing up Flavor of the Week, an assortment of foods that are often inspired by various foreign dishes. Many students wouldn’t want to pass up a free meal.
The How-To Series is held every Tuesday at 7 p.m. in the Baker Theater Lounge. The Campus Involvement Center puts on this event: some weeks it includes life skills, and other weeks it’s DIY crafts.
At previous How-To Series events, students have participated in resume workshops, danced or created crafts such as canvas art or potted plants, Sarah Vaughn, a 2018 alumna who worked many How-To Series events, said.
“It’s good for a mental break or confidence building,” Vaughn said. “Usually everyone is attempting this with you for the first time, so it’s nice to meet people and just break from the constant demand of college life.”
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