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Boots On Campus: War with Syria?

In light of recent events, I would like to discuss the very real possibility of a war with Syria. 

If you have watched the news lately, there is no doubt that you have seen the Syrian chemical attack that took place earlier this week. This attack prompted the first direct strike on Syrian forces; late Thursday night, President Trump authorized 59 BGM-109 cruise missiles, or Tomahawks, to be fired directly upon the Syrian airbase which launched the attack. Could this be the event that signifies the beginning of a new war? It could — not to say that it will, but it could. Just as past wars were started by some form of hostility or strike, this one, too, could be the event that starts a war.

The possibility of war with Syria is probably enough to scare you. However, the broader implications are far more frightening. War with Syria could easily become the Third World War. With Russia backing Syria, North Korea working to produce nuclear weapons and China operating against international law, there is a volatile environment just waiting for a spark. In the coming days or weeks, we may know more about the future of this conflict, but until then we must wait anxiously for a congressional statement. It is only a matter of time until a statement is made, either through a declaration of war or a stern condemnation.

Over the past 24 hours, I have received multiple messages from my brothers with whom I was deployed in Afghanistan. Each asked, "Are we going to war?" Unanimously, they felt a real possibility, and all of them said they would get back in the military if that question is answered with a "yes." I, too, would step forth from the glorious comfort of inactive ready reserve status to fight with my brothers, many of whom have limited experience. My personal stance is that I am morally required to help my friends, especially when they could be at risk of death. In the meantime, each of us is closely monitoring the situation, on the edge of our seats, waiting for the fire to ignite.

One way or another, this event will have repercussions. On what scale, we cannot possibly know. We can assume that in the coming days a proposal will be made to gain a war authorization from Congress.

Peter Bronner is a junior studying war and peace studies. Please note that the views and opinions of the columnists do not reflect those of The Post. Do you think we are at the brink of war? Let Peter know by emailing him

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