In its first week, The Perfect 10 received more than 10,000 downloads and quickly went viral.
Combining his interests in programming and entrepreneurship, Logan Koshenka, a junior studying management information systems, created and launched one of 2016’s hottest new games, The Perfect 10.
In its first week, The Perfect 10 received more than 10,000 downloads, and quickly went viral. Described as a “simple but challenging game” on the App Store, a random number appears at the top of the screen, and it is the player’s goal to move the slider to that exact number ten times in a row in order to win. The Perfect 10 is free to download on the App Store and was released on May 10.
The Post recently talked to Koshenka about his passion for app creation and his experience with the game’s development and popularity.
The Post: Tell us how you became interested in app creation and programming.
Logan Koshenka: I did an entrepreneurship program out in Silicon Valley in California, and that’s where I found out that I really wanted to learn how to code. I had had interest in it before, but I saw firsthand how valuable it was. I was actually working on a startup where I struggled with depending on developers for my success, so I wanted to be in a position where I could build my own ideas and not really depend on anybody else.
P: Is that specifically where you found inspiration for Perfect 10?
LK: I’m only about 4 months into coding. For Perfect 10, I was doing lots of tutorials on code, where they kind of walk you through how to build this app or that app, and I built a game where you drag a slider on a targeted number, but there was no real incentive to it, and the design was kind of, not what I wanted it to be, but I thought that I could make it kind of my own, make it fun, make it look good and give the user an end goal, so that’s where I got the inspiration from.
P: Why do you think, specifically, Perfect 10 is being so well received in comparison to other apps and games?
LK: I don’t know, to be honest. I didn’t really expect it to get this many downloads, but I did try to make things stick out. I did want it to be simple, and I wanted anyone to be able to play it. I didn’t want to attack a certain niche, like sports or certain interests. I wanted it to be something that anybody could play. I’ve noticed that a lot of addicting games are pretty hard, too, like 2048 and Flappy Bird come to mind, where they’re simple and easy to understand, but difficult at the same time, so that’s really what I tried to accomplish with that.
P: How has it been managing the app on the business side of the operation?
LK: I was always kind of entrepreneurial and always into business but never to this extent. Until I had my startup and did the internship in California, I’ve really kind of kicked it off. Right when I came back, I dove into iOS development.
P: So you’re really focusing on both the business side and the creation/technical side?
LK: Exactly.
P: Is there anything else you want people to know about you or your app?
LK: I think the biggest (accomplishment) is that it got over 10,000 (downloads) within the first week ... that was really the big surprise for me because this was something to kind of get my feet wet, put an app on the app store, go through the experience to see what it’s like and then focus on bigger projects from there. This is just kind of like a test run, I guess, so for it to get this many downloads is really incredible.
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P: What type of bigger projects are thinking about getting into?
LK: I’m actually already working on a social app, and I think being on a college campus will be the perfect place to launch it, but it’ll take longer to create, so it’ll be a few months until I’m able to put it out there. It’s a more complex app, but I think it could be pretty cool.