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Brooke Mauro, who was announced as the new Ohio University student trustee, stands onstage in Baker Ballroom on April 6.

New student trustee aims to bring students and board closer

Brooke Mauro will fill the spot left from senior Sharmaine Wilcox's graduation and serve on the Board of Trustees with P.J. Roden starting in the fall.

After turning in an application, speaking with students and traveling to Columbus to interview with the governor’s office, Brooke Mauro was announced as Ohio University’s newest student trustee Wednesday.  

Mauro, a sophomore studying finance and management strategic leadership, will fill Sharmaine Wilcox’s spot and serve on OU's Board of Trustees with P.J. Roden starting in the fall.

“(I’m) absolutely thrilled, very excited, as well,” Mauro said. “I’m looking forward to this upcoming two years and seeing what we can do and what we can bring to Ohio University.”

Student trustees represent students on the Board of Trustees, OU’s governing body. Those serving in the position participate in board meetings but lack voting rights, an aspect that students across the state have urged officials to change.

A bill in the Ohio House was introduced last year to grant students at public universities voting rights and the ability to attend executive sessions.

Wilcox, a senior studying international business and finance, said Mauro reached out early in the application process to learn about the position. She added that all five of the final candidates were “extremely qualified."

“I came into tonight actually having no idea who would be selected,” Wilcox said. “I’m so thankful for my time as student trustee and I know she’ll carry on the torch along with P.J. and do a wonderful job.”

Roden, a junior studying engineering technology and management, said the governor’s office made a “fantastic” decision and Mauro will be an asset to the board. OU President Roderick McDavis echoed those remarks.

“I’m excited about the opportunity to work with her,” McDavis said. “(She has) a great background and has the passion and enthusiasm for the work.”

Mauro said she is honored to have the position, looks forward to working with Roden and wants to leave a lasting impression like Wilcox.

“The biggest thing I really wanted to bring to the board is close the gap between the board and the students,” she said. “I think that if we bring the students and the board closer together that so many things can be accomplished.”

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