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Clean laundry sits unattended in laundry dryers in Gamertsfelder Hall on Tuesday. 

Look out for new washers and dryers at OU in fall 2016

Ohio University is currently in the process of reviewing proposals for the next laundry contract for its washers and dryers.

Ohio University students likely will be able to use new laundry machines this fall after the university starts a new contract for its washers and dryers.

OU is in the process of reviewing proposals for its next laundry contract, Pete Trentacoste, executive director of Housing and Residence Life, said. The university will replace its washers and dryers when the new contract begins, he said.

"We anticipate that all washers and dryers will be brand new starting fall 2016," Trentacoste said in an email.

Trentacoste said the university does not pay for washers and dryers to be replaced. The cost to fix or replace the washers and dryers is paid by a vendor that leases the machines to OU.

The Post did not receive comment as of press time regarding how much the new contract would cost the university.

The company, Caldwell and Gregory, leases the machines to OU through a contract that was established July 2009 and expires this year, according to a previous Post report. Caldwell and Gregory is a company that offers laundry programs for universities, apartments and businesses, according to its website. 

OU's current washers and dryers were last replaced in 2009, except for machines that have been replaced since, Trentacoste said. OU has 223 washers and 255 dryers, he added.

Some OU students said they have experienced problems with the university's washers and dryers. For one week this academic year, the washing machines didn’t work in Lincoln Hall, Leigh Ann Kronour said.

Kronour, a freshman studying exercise physiology, received an email that said the machines were not functioning. In order to do laundry, Kronour said she had to go to the laundry facility in Gamertsfelder Hall.

Though the laundry machines in Lincoln are fixed now, Kronour said she never discovered why the machines didn’t work.

John Browne, a freshman studying communication studies, said he once went to do laundry in Treudley Hall but encountered a problem.

“The washer didn’t drain so I just had a puddle of water,” Browne said.

Browne said he didn’t use that washer, adding that the laundry room has a list that people can write down bad washers and dryers on.

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Browne’s advice for making washers and dryers work better is cleaning the lint tray.

Washing machines at OU cost $1.75 per load and the dryers cost $0.75 per load.

“(Laundry is) stupidly expensive,” Kronour said.

If students encounter problems with the machines or need a refund, they are advised to go to the Housing and Residence Life office and fill out a laundry service refund request form, according to signs in OU's laundry facilities. The office recently has moved from Chubb Hall to the Living Learning Community on South Green.


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