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Faculty discuss different ideas for the campus and its leaders at their Faculty Senate Meeting. 

Faculty Senate officers for next academic year will be elected at Monday meeting

Presentations on sustainability and intercollegiate athletics will precede the election of Faculty Senate officers at the April meeting.

At Monday night’s Faculty Senate meeting, two presentations and the election of next academic year’s officers will precede the regular affairs of the senate.

Beth Quitslund, Faculty Senate chair and professor of English, said the main event of the April meeting will be the election of officers. Quitslund also thanked those who accepted nominations for the election.

“They are helping to protect the interests of their own constituencies, but also, by bringing the perspectives of different disciplines, college cultures, and faculty Group, helping the senate to fully represent and understand the diversity of Ohio University faculty,” Quitslund said in an email.

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Professor of English Joe McLaughlin is the nominee for next year’s Faculty Senate chair, and the faculty will discover whether he will be Quitslund’s replacement at the meeting. McLaughlin has served as chair before, heads the body's Finance and Facilities Committee and is also the faculty representative to the Board of Trustees.

Quitslund is still in the process of contacting write-in candidates for some units of senate, but the roster for next year’s senate is nearly complete, she said.

Faculty Athletic Representatives Robert Colvin, professor of biological sciences, and Ann Gabriel, professor of business, will deliver a presentation with an update on intercollegiate athletics at OU. Colvin and Gabriel also work with the National Collegiate Athletic Association.

Director of Sustainability Annie Laurie Cadmus will update the senate on the projects overseen by her office. The Office of Sustainability promotes more efficient energy consumption efforts on campus and aims to meet the needs of campus life without compromising the needs of future generations, according to the office’s website.

Also at the meeting, Executive Vice President and Provost Pam Benoit will deliver updates from the university’s administration. Representatives from each senate committee will report on the activity from the body's March meeting and discuss potential resolutions that could come up at the next meeting. There are no resolutions up for vote at the April meeting.


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