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Khalil Mohammad will be at Ohio University on Thursday to talk about his book and racial tensions in the United States. 

Speaker to shine light on controversial racial problems in society

Distinguished speaker Khalil Gibran Muhammad discusses his book and how young people can empower themselves in a racially-challenging society.

The Scripps College Diversity Committee will be bringing in a renowned figure this week whose experience as an African-American scholar enables him to share his views on race-related issues to the masses.

Khalil Gibran Muhammad, executive director of The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, will speak Thursday.

Muhammad, the great-grandson of past Nation of Islam leader Elijah Muhammad, is a professor, writer and media commentator.

His award-winning book, The Condemnation of Blackness: Race, Crime and the Making of Modern America, talks about how racist ideologies have shaped the criminalization and imprisonment of black males.

Winsome Chunnu-Brayda, strategic director for Diversity and Inclusion and multicultural programs and initiatives, said it’s essential to have conversations about race in response to what is occurring in the media and the presidential election.

“We need to be having an honest conversation around issues of race in the United States,” Chunnu-Brayda said. “I am convinced that having this open and constructive dialogue around the race is essential.”

Thomas Costello, visiting lecturer and faculty in residence at Ohio University, said Muhammad’s work is timely based on racial tensions in the United States.

Costello said Muhammad’s book addresses race as a subject that many U.S. citizens are typically hesitant to discuss following the recent events of Oscar Grant, Trayvon Martin and Eric Garner.

“Dr. Muhammad brings a spirited blend of history, intellect vision and passion making his presentation inspirational for the work we are all called to do to make the world a better place for all of us,” Steve Spreitzer, president and CEO of the Michigan Roundtable for Diversity and Inclusion and who used to work with Muhammad, said in an email.

Chunnu-Brayda said Muhammad stands out as a speaker because he uses evidence to back his claims.

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“It’s fitting to what’s been going on in this country for decades but what has been highlighted in past few years,” Costello said. “It’s my hope that he can connect those dots in history to Black Lives Matter.”

Chunnu-Brayda said his engaging delivery style suits an audience that consists primarily of young adults.

“Finding ways to engage students particularly around topics that can be somewhat controversial is essential,” she said. “I think Muhammad will do a very good job doing that.”

Costello said Muhammad is a “rock star” due to his ability to combine intelligence with humility.

“He’s an intellectual with his feet on the ground,” Costello said. “I think you’ll see him as a soft-spoken and thoughtful person.”  


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