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James D. Howard

OU police chief cautions against speculation in the arrest of former student

On Monday, a former OU student allegedly assaulted a staff member at Bird Arena and later tried to buy a firearm and ammunition, but was denied. 

Ohio University Police Department Chief Andrew Powers cautioned the OU community Friday from jumping to inaccurate conclusions following the arrest of a former OU student.

In a campus-wide email, Powers said law enforcement doesn’t know the motive of James D. Howard, an OU student who attempted to purchase a gun after allegedly assaulting a staff member at Bird Arena on Monday.

“We have gathered no information so far to indicate Howard made any specific threats toward individuals or our campus in general,” Powers said in the email. “Furthermore, it is important to remember that our criminal justice system is founded on the presumption of innocence.”

Powers went on to say that OU should respond to the situation based on what happened, not based on speculation.

“To do otherwise risks violating Howard’s rights,” Powers said.

After the alleged assault, OUPD obtained warrants for Howard’s arrest and asked area law enforcement agencies to help look for him, according to a previous Post report. Howard later withdrew from classes at OU on Monday.

Howard then went to a gun store in Logan and tried to purchase a firearm and ammunition. John Downs, the owner of the store, denied Howard the sale after he filled out his Federal Firearms License because the store owner felt "something wasn't right about the person," according to a previous Post report.

Howard left the store but returned later that day. When Downs saw him approaching, he closed the store and would not allow Howard inside, North said. Downs then contacted the Hocking County Sheriff's Office.

Sheriff's office personnel found Howard's car in the parking lot at the Wal-Mart in Logan with the assistance of the Logan Police Department. Law enforcement officers found a rifle inside his car and later found Howard inside the Wal-Mart.

According to OUPD’s email, Howard was able to buy a rifle from a store in Athens.

Howard was taken into custody and transported to the Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail.

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Hocking County Sheriff Lanny North said in a previous Post report that Howard's motive may have been to commit a shooting on campus, but Powers cautioned that it's hard to tell what Howard's intentions were.

Howard is incarcerated in the Southeastern Ohio Regional Jail. On Thursday he was charged with a third felony, and Keller Blackburn, Athens County prosecutor, requested a higher bond, according to the email. Howard’s bond is $125,000 with no ability to post less than that for release.

The judge in Howard’s case also imposed a ban from OU as an additional condition of bond. OU’s Division of Student Affairs has served Howard with an administrative ban from campus, according to Powers’ email.

If a person sees Howard on campus, he or she is advised not to engage with him and immediately call the police, according to the email.

Howard appeared in Athens Municipal Court for an arraignment Tuesday, and the judge in the case ordered no contact with OU, the gun store and the Wal-Mart, according to a previous Post report. A no contact order means the defendant isn’t allowed to have any contact with the victim or the people under the protection of the order, according to the law website

Howard has a preliminary hearing scheduled for March 29 at 2 p.m. at the Athens Municipal Court.


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