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Ohio University President Roderick McDavis announces his retirement on Thursday, March 10, 2016, in Walter Hall Rotunda. McDavis will remain president until the end of his contract in June 2017.

OU Board of Trustees to organize search committee for new president before McDavis steps down

OU's next president will either be selected by the end of 2016 or the end of the 2016-17 academic year, closer to when McDavis' contract expires.

A day after Ohio University President Roderick McDavis announced the end of his tenure as OU’s top official, the Board of Trustees announced the search for his successor at its Friday meeting.

Sandra Anderson, OU’s Board of Trustees chair, said at the meeting that board members will serve on a “search subcommittee” that will lead the search for OU’s next president.

Jennifer Kirksey, McDavis’ chief of staff, said she had known McDavis’ time as president was coming to an end and added hearing his announcement was “unbelievably moving.”

“Serving alongside of him for 11 of his 12-year tenure has been an immense opportunity and honor,” Kirksey said in an email. “He is someone who sees the potential in others, and I know I would not be where I am today in my professional career without his support and mentorship.”

At the meeting, Anderson thanked McDavis for letting the board know in advance about his decision, adding it is the board’s responsibility to hire and evaluate the university’s presidents.

“That gives the board some work to do over the next 16 months,” she said.

Five board members, including Anderson, will serve on the search subcommittee, which will “provide oversight and guidance during the planning process.” Though Anderson’s term on the board will end in May, she said she will stay on to help with the search.

The board has tasked its secretary David Moore and OU’s General Counsel John Biancamano with staffing a larger search committee. The search committee will include 21 people, including faculty, students, administrative staff and alumni, Anderson said.

It is unclear when the larger committee will be formed.

In addition, the search subcommittee will interview trustees and “members of the university community” and develop a proposed schedule for the search. The next president will either be selected by the end of 2016 or the end of the 2016-17 academic year, closer to when McDavis' contract expires.

Anderson said Terry MacTaggart, a higher education consultant who has helped the university with performance reviews of OU’s presidents, will also aid in the search.

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The Board of Trustees discussed the search process in executive session Thursday and Friday, Anderson said.

McDavis said the decision to step down as president was “my choice” and that the board had previously asked to extend his contract. He also clarified Friday that he is not retiring but is stepping down from his job as president.

“If I can serve the university in some voluntary capacity, I’d be happy to do that,” McDavis said. “I fully anticipate that June 30 (2017) will be my last day.”

— Kaitlin Coward contributed to this report.


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