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Ohio University President Roderick McDavis announces his retirement Thursday, March 10, 2016, in Walter Hall Rotunda. The Board of Trustees does not yet have a short list of presidential candidates to replace McDavis, who will remain president until the end of his contract in June 2017. 

Ohio University's Board of Trustees doesn't have short list, qualifications for president yet

Ohio University does not have an official job description for its president. 

Ohio University does not have a short list for its next presidential candidate, an OU official said.

After OU President Roderick McDavis announced last Thursday he would step down from the position when his contract expires June 2017, the Board of Trustees announced that members will work on a “search subcommittee” to help find the university’s next president.

“The board has not set a schedule,” OU Spokeswoman Katie Quaranta said in an email. “It is likely they will want to have the position filled by June 2017.”

Quaranta said the university does not have an official job description for the position.

Five board members, including Chair Sandra Anderson who will finish her nine-year term on the board in May, will serve on the search subcommittee, she said at the board’s executive committee meeting last week.

Board secretary David Moore and OU’s General Counsel John Biancamano will staff a larger search committee of 21 people.

Terry MacTaggart, a higher education consultant who has aided the university with performance reviews of OU’s presidents, will help in the search.

The Board of Trustees has not discussed the qualifications it will look for when searching for a president, Quaranta said.

“The Board of Trustees will decide the qualifications for the next president, and they will make the final decision on who is hired, in consultation with the search committee and representatives from faculty, staff and students,” Quaranta said in an email. “The search committee will have representation from faculty, staff and students.”

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During the search for president in 2004 when McDavis was chosen to replace former President Robert Glidden, OU’s search committee outlined several qualifications it would like a president to have, according to a previous Post report.

“The ideal qualifications include a doctorate degree, a respected record in higher education, experience working with university constituents, an understanding of research universities and an administrative background," the report reads. "Integrity, leadership, communication skills, energy and the confidence to take criticism are some of the characteristics the committee highlighted."

It is unclear when the board will announce the suggested qualifications for the university's next president.


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