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Letter: If you agree with Sanders, vote for him March 15

With Ohio’s primary rapidly approaching, I would like to encourage people who agree with Sen. Sanders’ message to vote for him.

With Ohio’s primary rapidly approaching, I would like to encourage people who agree with Sen. Sanders’ message to vote for him.

I frequently hear people express that they agree with his positions but that they will not vote for him. They say they believe that he is incredibly unlikely to be the nominee, and that, should he be, the country would likely vote for Donald Trump or Ted Cruz.

However, the majority of Democratic delegates have yet to be chosen. Likewise, if Michigan's primary taught us anything, it is that polling does not necessarily reflect the outcome of the election. Thus I would encourage people to vote for whomever they believe to be the best choice for president, rather than merely to vote because of polls.

Bernie inevitably has more of a chance at being the nominee if those who agree with his positions vote for him than if they do not. Likewise, in polls (though to be taken with a grain of salt), such as one from the Huffington Post, in a hypothetical general election, he beats Trump by wider margins than Clinton does.

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If you believe, as I do, that he is the best choice for the nation to restitute American democracy by overturning Citizens United, to help American people and not merely American corporations and to stand up for human dignity, I would urge you to vote for Bernie Sanders on or before March 15. 

Laurel Bayless is a student at Athens High School.

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