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Letter: Eddie Smith is the ideal candidate for the 94th District

Eddie Smith understands the major issues in the region.

On Tuesday, March 15, I will be voting for Eddie Smith for the 94th Ohio House District.

In my view, Eddie Smith is an ideal candidate to represent the entire 94th district. Eddie has a real passion for public service and knows how to communicate with people from all walks of life. Eddie will be an effective advocate for the 94th District because he understands the issues we face throughout the region: income inequality, lack of sustainable employment opportunities, inadequate access to affordable, renewable energy and the soaring costs of higher education.

Eddie will bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the office gained through his extensive involvement in the community. Eddie understands the details and challenges of public budgeting and tax policy, transportation planning, community law enforcement and the needs of our growing local food economy. I hope you will join me in voting for Eddie Smith on March 15.

Nancy Manring is an associate professor of political science at Ohio University.

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