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Letter: Bill to defund Planned Parenthood is a step backward for Ohio

"When 80 percent of people using Planned Parenthood are 150 percent below the poverty level of income, I cannot understand how this can be seen as a positive move."

This letter is to all who celebrated the recent signing of a bill to defund Planned Parenthood as a victory for pro-life. Please, reconsider your early support of this measure to curb abortions as it is likely this will do just the opposite.

First of all, Planned Parenthood uses a mere 3 percent of its funding for abortion services, and none of this money comes from government funds. Secondly, the money that was cut has been used for preventing unwanted pregnancies. Services such as sex education, HIV testing, STD screening, contraceptives and family planning for both men and women have now been slashed.

As a school nurse, I have had the opportunity to observe Planned Parenthood educators at work, and I have been impressed with the professionalism, knowledge and sensitivity used to connect with young people. When 80 percent of people using Planned Parenthood are 150 percent below the poverty level of income, I cannot understand how this can be seen as a positive move.

While our governor has stated the funds will be reallocated to other agencies to provide these health services, I question how long it will take for other agencies to pick up the vast expanse of services Planned Parenthood already has an excellent track record of providing. I am reminded of how public education dollars in our state were also diverted by our governor to for-profit charter schools, and the level of accountability and return on investment has been nothing short of a scandal.

I’m “pro-life” as a believer every baby and child deserves health care, education, clean water, decent nutrition, safety and a loving environment. I do not see this bill as contributing to those values. Until our elected officials put their words into real action by supporting measures that support all people — not just the wealthy, not just those of the same religion, color of skin and politics — I am skeptical of those who merely give lip service to the “sacredness of life.”

Gov. Kasich recently referred to his 2014 election success having been about women coming out of the kitchen to vote for him. By signing a bill that will effect the reproductive rights of Ohio women by limiting access to services, it seems he has imagined those very same women returning to the kitchen — our “place."

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I think not! It took many brave women fighting for these rights years ago  let’s not take them for granted. Little by little, what was won is being chipped away. Speak up! Let your elected officials know that we are paying attention and we will not go silently backward into the days of being second class citizens with our reproductive health choices.

Janalee Stock is a resident of Athens.

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