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Fest-goers at a house on Mill Street during Mill Fest on Saturday. 

From the News desk: The best of Mill Fest; A big thank you to all Mill Fest party goers

Check out Mill fest from the reporters point of view, including some of our favorite quotes. 

Most partiers at Mill Fest last weekend had cheap beers in hand.

For Post reporters covering the shenanigans, we had to forgo malted beverages for recorders and notepads.

From 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., there were reporters taking in the sights of jersey clad partiers and raw sewage spewing from the ground, as well as the sounds of bumping beats and clomping police horses.

We talked to police officers, petted cute puppies, saw a backpack holding a snake and watched as a dancing woman jumped onto the hood of a car and continued twerking.

Here are some of our favorite quotes from the day that didn’t make it into our full report of the day:

“There was a bong made out of a statue of Jesus.” — Joel Moss, a sophomore studying integrated mathematics.  

“I was here pretty early and there was a man in just his boxers running down the street with a case of beer and he was half naked and he was running with it above his head he said, ‘Fuck yeah, Mill Fest’ and he was just sprinting down Mill Street.” — Ron McQuade, a senior studying mathematics

“I went somewhere. I’m cooler than you.” — Gerald Farley, a senior studying sport management, said about the poncho he was wearing that he got on his spring break vacation in Mexico.

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“It’s swell. S-W-E-L-L.” — Ray Doss, a Muskingum University senior studying computer science.

“I’m embracing Palmer Fest. ... Mill Fest. Mill Fest. I know it’s Mill Fest.” — Brian Hawk, a senior studying management and strategic leadership.

Everyone from The Post wants to give a big “thank yOU” to all those who stepped down from their keg stands and set aside their Natty cans to answer our questions.

Also, continue to check out our fest coverage these next few weeks, including a special fest series this next week.


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