Ohio University seniors can vote from a list of 16 nominees for the Spring Commencement speaker.
Ohio University seniors have a chance to vote for the Spring Commencement speaker from a list of nominees ranging from actor Ed O'Neill to retired baseball player Mike Schmidt.
Interim Vice President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students Jenny Hall-Jones sent out an email to seniors last week explaining how they have an opportunity to vote from a list of 16 nominees for 2016 Spring Commencement.
“In recent years, you have expressed your desire to be more involved in the selection of Ohio University's commencement speaker,” Hall-Jones said in the email.
All votes must be received by 11:59 p.m., Jan. 27.
Seniors can vote on their top five choices from the list.
The 10 nominees who receive the most votes will be submitted to the President’s Office for consideration, according to the email.
Sarah Andrews, a senior earning a bachelor of specialized studies in human resources, said it is exciting to have a chance to vote for the speaker.
“I think that represents how OU is in general, they care about what we think and that’s why we have such a good sense of community,” Andrews said.
Former Post editor Wes Lowery said he was not aware he was on the list of nominees.
“Even (sic) just be included on what I'm sure is a distinguished list of options is quite the honor,” Lowery said in an email, noting that he is always happy to be back in Athens.
Kristen Maynard, a senior studying exercise physiology, is also in favor of being able to vote.
“I think it’s cool to pick your own (speaker),” Maynard said.
Andrews and Maynard said they plan on voting.