Following a public meeting with President McDavis on Thursday, GSS will vote on an end to boycott of presidential and university committees.
Following a public meeting with President Roderick McDavis on Thursday, members of the Ohio University Graduate Student Senate will consider a resolution to lift its previous decision to boycott all presidential and university committees.
This week’s resolution, to be put forth by GSS President Carl Edward Smith III and Vice President of Communications Sarah Kaplan, determines that McDavis had “satisfactorily responded to graduate student general fee concerns” during Thursday’s meeting.
If passed, the resolution will nullify the boycott, once again giving GSS members the ability to participate in all presidential and university standing committees.
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During Thursday’s special meeting, which took place at Alden Library, McDavis addressed a number of graduate student concerns pertaining to the general fee, a subject which has been debated in every GSS meeting of this academic year.
While answering questions from students, McDavis expressed worry that by initiating a boycott, members of the GSS would be missing out on the chance to voice their opinions on other important university matters.
“Let me say this,” McDavis said during the meeting. “While we may disagree on the issue of the general fee, I think that you would be mistaken not to take advantage of the shared governance process we have at this university. You are a voice that needs to be heard.”
Smith, however, voiced his concerns about McDavis’ personal willingness to take action on the graduate student general fee, adding that McDavis' office "might have a disposition against it.”
Additionally, GSS will examine a resolution to separate undergraduate and graduate general fees, citing the “distinct” differences in the statuses and tuitions of OU students. The resolution was put forth by Kaplan and Vice President for Finance and Administration Liudmila Pestun.