The #RecallSSE petition collected 1,000 signatures out of the 3,000 signature goal before the Board of Trustees meeting on Oct. 17.
A campus petition demanding the recall of last spring’s Student Senate election has collected roughly 1,000 signatures, said petition-holders Becky Sebo, president of Bobcats for Israel, and Taylor Hufford, LGBTQ Affairs senator.
Those involved in writing the petition, which is using the Twitter hashtag #RecallSSE, aim to collect 3,000 signatures by the next Board of Trustees meeting on Oct. 17.
If 10 percent of Ohio University students — all of whom need to be in “good academic standing” with the university — sign the petition, then an amendment proposing the recall election will be voted on by the Board of Trustees.
Several campus groups are involved with this petition, including the OU College Republicans, Bobcats for Israel and the Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi, Hufford said.
A table was set up on the first floor of Baker University Center where Sebo and Hufford asked students to sign the petition Wednesday morning.
Sebo said she feels “very confident” about reaching the signature goal by the intended date, and will continue to reach out to as many students as possible.
“It’s empowering that students do care about how they are represented,” Hufford said. “As a student leader, it’s nice that students want to ask me questions about Student Senate.”
Wes Gilkey, a junior studying sociology and criminology, signed the petition Wednesday. He voiced his concern about the “negative attention” directed toward OU by senate.
“I’ve seen things about this on Facebook from friends in Iowa,” Gilkey said.
He said this is the first time he has been vocal about senate, adding that he feels “misrepresented” and that some of the senate members are only fulfilling “personal agendas.”