The Athens County Commissioners approved thousands of dollars in county road repairs at their Tuesday meeting.
The Athens County Commissioners approved thousands of dollars in county road repairs at their Tuesday meeting.
Jeff Maiden, the Athens County engineer, presented two paving projects needed after damage to the roads in 2011. He asked for $26,000 to pave County Road 78 and County Road 98.
Maiden then brought up projects to be funded through the state's capital improvements bond program: paving two County Roads — 28 and 32 — next year. Maiden asked for a total of about $140,000 to complete those projects, alongside a remaining $400,000 or so from state-released bonds.
“We look at a lot of things and we’re still going through the process of making a 5 to 10 year plan,” Maiden said. The commissioners signed off on the bond-funded paving. The contracts concerning County Roads 78 and 98 will be placed under review.
Also at the meeting, Rich Kasler, superintendent of the Athens County Water and Sewer District, presented an open bid on a purchase for a new crane compressor. The compressor currently in use on the water and sewer service truck is 18 years old and is not working well, Kasler said, adding that the cost of the new compressor could range from $15,000 to $100,000.
The new compressor would be used for the Water and Sewer service in The Plains.
“It is time to move on,” Kasler said.