Student looks to make a memorable weekend with her long distance boyfriend
Dear Bedpost,
I met my boyfriend during senior year in high school. He's a support system, loyal man, spicy lover and a sweetheart. Against all upperclassmen advice we stayed together into freshman year while attending separate universities. We're somehow still madly in love and miss each other like crazy. Next week we see each other for the first time since August. Is there anything I could do to make my perfect partner feel extra special?
Dear Reader,
In case I haven’t made it abundantly clear in past columns, our podcasts, my social media accounts and to random people I meet, I will make it clear right now: I do not do well with the romance.
I can do “the sex,” I can even do emotional conversations to work out problems and feelings and all of that jazz. But, I’m not good with the mushy emotional stuff for some reason. Case in point: If you say the phrase “make love” to me I will vomit all over your shoes. That’s a nice little hack for you. So, your question is a bit out of my wheelhouse and also makes me uncomfortable.
However, I can respect that you made it work with this gent despite naysayers and y’all seem to have a healthy relationship, which is like finding a unicorn that poops glitter and pays your student loans. I guess what I’m trying to say is that the thing that you need to make him feel special is you — at the risk of sounding like an after-school special.
You’re talking about him like the sun shines out of his ass already, so I don’t think you’ll have any problems making your time with him special. If you really want to, make sure to ask him or really get a feel for what he wants to do while y’all are together (besides bone because I’m sure that’s on the table).
For me, there’s seriously nothing more special than someone knowing what I like to do and just doing it with me. And most of the time that involves Chinese food, sex and watching 500 Days of Summer. Good luck out there.
Kristin is a junior studying journalism and a Slot Editor at The Post.
There can be a lot of pressure on one weekend in a long-distance college relationship. After going sometimes months at a time not seeing each other, you can get worried that the few days you get together might not be that great.
Don’t worry about it. If you two really do love each other, you can have a supremely average weekend and still come away from it happy you made the trip. It’s going to be a good weekend, even if it isn’t perfect.
That said, there’s no shame in doing a little bit to spice things up for when you crash into each other’s arms and beds.
In terms of bedtime activities to try out, I’m wary of getting too deep into the nitty gritty of it; I’m not totally privy on your respective freaks. I’d gauge that on what your boo has seemed to be into in the past. Does he like it when you wear some out-of-the-ordinary underwear? Maybe a corset? Does he respond favorably to when you grow out your pubes? Is he more into strap-ons than you’d think? Take what has gotten him riled up in the past and exacerbate it.
Also, food.
If you foot the bill on one or two meals for the weekend, he’ll be all about that.
Final pro tip: The food and the bed stuff don’t have to be mutually exclusive. Butts as plates.
Ian Ording is a senior studying journalism and copy chief of The Post.
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