The state of Ohio, noting that a hyper-competitive job market might lead students to dismal conclusions about employment prospects, is campaigning to raise awareness about the thousands of Ohio jobs expected to open up in the insurance industry.
Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor, on a video conference with student reporters from throughout Ohio, talked up the state’s Insuring Ohio Futures program, meant to raise awareness among students about the estimated 17,000 jobs expected to open in the field in the next five years.
Taylor cited a study by Columbus State University.
“As we face the impact of retiring baby boomers there will be a lot of turnover in the industry,” Taylor said. “There are a lot of options for a students right out of school.”
The state is highlighting these professions because they are stable and well-paying jobs many recent graduates don’t think about, Taylor added.
Students, as well as recent graduates, tend to stay away from the industry because there is a perceived emphasis on sales, Mitch Wilson, of the Ohio Insurance Institute, said in an interview with The Post after the conference call.
“The first reaction people have is a lot of people think it’s sales,” Wilson said. “If you don’t want to sell you automatically turn the switch off. Sales is an important component, but there are hundreds of other opportunities out there.”
Katie Peet, an Ohio University journalism graduate, figured that out when she left school.
When she gradated in 2002, Peet said the job landscape was very similar to what it is now: Students were having trouble finding jobs.
Her first job out of college was in insurance. She now works as the social media director for State Auto Insurance.
“It’s an industry that makes a difference for people in their worst moments,” Peet said.
Although OU does not offer a specific degree for insurance, Wilson said the industry is in need of auditors, attorneys, risk managers, fraud examiners, human resources personnel, advertisers, marketing personnel and web designers, among other positions.
OU offers degrees for many of those positions through the College of Business.